Out of This World

Editor: Grace Corey

'Everyone deserves their flowers': MVHS students weigh in on the discussion of all music being appreciated

Beyoncé fans, I’m really happy for you, but Harry Styles had one of the best albums of all time.

In the world of music, opinions are everything. From the way someone chooses to organize their playlists to yet another person claiming to like "everything but country," the question of "what type of music do you listen to?" is one that is a common beginning to fully understanding the people around us. Music is simply a window into the human soul. It fuels moments of love and tenderly nurtures those of sadness. Music is personal. Something so personal that some people are willing to fight for it.

On February 5, 2023, the world of music celebrated its 65th Grammys ceremony, a night dedicated to appreciating the best music and artists from the past year. The evening was full of huge moments with Beyoncé breaking a record, to "Song of the Year" being awarded to a song that quite frankly nobody had ever heard (no offense, Bonnie Raitt), the evening was full of surprising opinions. The biggest discourse of the night, however, came with the announcement of the most prestigious award of the ceremony, "Album of the Year." An award that was deservingly gifted to Harry Styles for his admired album Harry’s House.

Harry Styles humbly accepts his Grammy for Album of the Year, making it the musician’s third Grammy win of his solo career. photo courtesy of Grammy.com
Beyoncé breaks the record for the most Grammy wins as she accepts the award for Best Dance/Electronic Album during the 65th Grammys. photo courtesy of People.com

What would soon follow after the British heartthrob's win could only be described as a chaotic fan feud. Fiery viewpoints and back-handed comments flourishing on every social media platform across the internet. Where angry sports fans might venture into setting their cars on fire, angry music fans turn to opinionated Twitter threads to vent their harsh feelings. The Grammys had officially made people upset. More specifically, Beyoncé fans were upset.

Respectably known as one of the greatest performers of all time, Beyonce's impact on music was rebirthed with the 2022 release of her album RENAISSANCE. An album that many people argued easily earned the title of album of the year and was a win that Beyoncé simply deserved. Despite holding the considerable accomplishment of having 32 Grammy wins under her belt, Queen Bey has unfortunately never been granted the title "Album of the Year." Fans of the singer were quick to criticize Styles' win when their idol sadly lost the award once again. With world-renowned singers filling the category such as Adele, Lizzo, Bad Bunny, and even Coldplay, the competition was not only diverse but fierce. Anyone could have snagged the award, but why Harry Styles? Well, simply put, Harry Styles truly did create the album of the year.

During 2022 you could not go anywhere without hearing the groovy voice of Styles. The funky 80’s synth melody of "As it Was" played on every radio station, "Music For a Sushi Restaurant" created a lighthearted atmosphere in literal sushi restaurants, and the comforting lyrics of "Matilda" resided in the hearts of outcasts everywhere. Harry’s House soon became a home for everyone. An album that connected with the souls of many and was truly admired. Harry’s House was huge, expansive, and filled with success. It’s not every day that an artist can sell out 15 consecutive nights at Madison Square Garden and spend 15 weeks as No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. The ex-boyband member had created music that people loved and that was worthy of every award.

With its hit single "As It Was" leading the way, Harry's House soon became one of the biggest albums of 2022. photo courtesy of Pastemagazine.com 

Even students here at MVHS deemed Styles the ultimate pop icon with an astounding 79.3% believing Harry’s House was more influential than RENAISSANCE  (20.7%). One student commented "Harry Styles is iconic," a simple but genuine regard to the singer’s influence as an expressive talent who gracefully celebrates all people, hence the positive slogan that labels his merchandise "Treat People with Kindness." Another would say that though "both artists are deserving of many rewards," Styles' album "has really touched this generation in many different ways." Easily said, when it comes to music-driven high schoolers, Harry is our friend.

Beyoncé will always be an icon in the music world. For many artists, the career of Beyoncé has been inspirational. Even at the 65th Grammys, music artist Lizzo commented on how much Beyoncé had been a highlight in her career during an acceptance speech. In music, everyone deserves to be celebrated. One MVHS student highlights this: "I think everyone deserves their flowers, and Beyoncé has always gotten hers and will always continue to get some. It’s time to allow room for more artists to get their flowers and make names for themselves."

Though music is of course all up to opinion, the simplicity of enjoying all types of music can be very pleasing. The constant routine of fans bickering over awards is not what makes music, music. Musicians themselves even appreciate the art of each other. During his acceptance speech, Harry himself says, "on nights like tonight, it's obviously so important for us to remember that there is no such thing as 'best' in music," remarking on how everyone in the category with him had been an inspiration to him at least once in his lifetime. Music should never be focused as being a competition, but a moment for everyone to shine, and when he truly did create the album of the year it was inevitably Harry Styles' time to shine.

The border between harmful and entertaining: Can true crime media cause desensitization to violence and crime? 

By Nana Giorgidze and Gabriel Converse

How Americans think true crime impacts society. (https://www.insideradio.com/podcastnewsdaily/survey-half-of-americans-like-true-crime-genre/article_1437c800-3518-11ed-bed7-3fb6264ccf99.html)

We have become so accustomed to witnessing or hearing about criminal behavior that even the most violent content no longer seems to evoke any kind of emotional response from many of us. Desensitization to crime can have serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole.

One of the reasons this happens is the media, which plays a significant role in contributing to desensitization to crime. News outlets report on crimes, often do it in very graphic detail, and repeat these stories over and over again. As a result, people can become numb to the violence and criminality depicted in the news. 

Other examples to note are exposure to violence in popular culture, such as in movies, television shows, and video games. Studies have shown that these depictions of violence can become so common that they no longer shock or upset viewers, and can even be seen as entertainment– as we know, many people find enjoyment in listening to true crime podcasts or watching true crime shows. 

This normalization of crime has caused social media to go into a craze about criminals– “romanticizing” crime is often found on different platforms. 

For those familiar with TikTok and its content, you may have noticed the trends which promote fascination with serial killers, such as Jeffrey Dahmer. 

According to Seventeen magazine, it “faced a great deal of backlash from the families of victims, who criticized the show for the glamorization of Dahmer and his gruesome killings.” Regardless of that, individuals on various platforms continued their praise of the killer, even making “fan edits” out of the Netflix production scenes.

True crime shows and podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, but many people are unaware of the harmful influences and consequences they can have on both individuals and society as a whole. While these programs can be entertaining and informative, they often seem to “glorify” violence, and in most cases are harmful to the victim’s families.

A chart by YouTube Culture & Trends shows the increase in views of true crime on the platform. (https://lhslance.org/2022/opinion/entertainment-over-ethics-has-true-crime-gone-too-far/)
True crime documentaries on Netflix gain a lot of attention and often spend time in the top most-watched list for series or films. (https://lhslance.org/2022/opinion/entertainment-over-ethics-has-true-crime-gone-too-far/)

One of the main ways in which true crime shows and podcasts can lead to desensitization is through the repeated exposure to violent and graphic content. These programs often feature detailed descriptions of violent acts, including murder scenes and other violent crimes. Over time, viewers and listeners can become desensitized to the horrific nature of these crimes, and start viewing them as “normal."

Another factor that needs to be mentioned is the focus on the perpetrators  of these crimes, rather than on the victims. True crime shows and podcasts often feature detailed information  of those who commit these crimes. This, in most cases, can also have the consequence of making the perpetrator seem more interesting or compelling than the victim.

According to The Lance , one of the arguments as to why true crime is immoral is “the way it handles victims and their families." True crime media often “dehumanizes” the victims and makes them look like “just another number added to the killer’s legacy.”

True crime has recently slowly been increasing the number of people that are entertained by it. There are so many shows, movies, and even podcasts. It’s hard not to be exposed to it one way or another since it has become so popularized. You even see things like that everyday in the news. It makes some  question if our society is starting or has already begun to become desensitized to true crime.

In Kristin Chenoweth’s new book I’m No Philosopher, But I Got Thoughts, Chenoweth shares a pie chart containing the subjects that take up room in her mind, or what she calls her “Mental Real Estate,” 8% of which is occupied by true crime shows. While this may just be a small joke, it shows that true crime has even caught the attention of celebrities such as Chenoweth.

An article from The Lance states that true crime has “gone too far.” The writer makes several interesting points and includes disturbing stories, such as when women would go to court hearings for Ted Bundy dressed as some of his past victims trying to appeal to him.

Junior Sarah Long says that she thinks it's fun to listen to true crime and that it’s entertaining. She says that she might have already become desensitized, because even though she knows these are stories of true crimes that have been committed, she is still entertained by them. 

Junior Sam Jones also thinks that he too might have become desensitized to true crime just because of how popularized it has become by the media. And it has become very easy to get a hold of. He doesn’t think that there is a way to prevent others from becoming desensitized too, not yet anyways. Sam also agrees that the news has probably contributed to the issue, due to the fact that there seems to be a story that has something to do with a big act of violence. He hopes that this won’t lead to future problems for our society.

Opinion: You should host a foreign exchange student

By Nana Giorgidze

Anytime I introduce myself and say that I am from Georgia, I immediately have to add “The country, not the state.” My introduction is always followed by “Georgia? You don’t have an accent though?” or the infamous “That’s a country?” It’s always complicated to explain that I am a foreign exchange student from this mystical country across the world that happens to have the same name as the place a few states away.

During my stay here, I have heard countless questions, ranging from questions about my home country or native language, to questions about my exchange program. With this article, I hope to answer a few of those questions, and as a representative of the FLEX scholarship program, I hope to share information about different opportunities for American high school students as well.

What is the FLEX Program?

The FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) program is a cultural exchange program funded by the U.S. Department of State. The program was introduced in 1992 to provide high school students from countries of the former Soviet Union with the opportunity to study in the United States for an academic year, and vice versa. With FLEX Abroad U.S. high school students and recent graduates can go to these countries for an exchange too. 

The program aims to promote mutual understanding and cultural exchange between the United States and the participating countries, and to develop young leaders who can contribute to the future development of their countries.

Each year, around 800 students are selected to participate in the FLEX program: during their year in the United States, FLEX participants attend an American high school and spend the year living with an American family. They also hold presentations about their home countries.

The FLEX program is regarded as one of the most successful cultural exchange programs in the world, having provided thousands of students with the opportunity to experience American culture and education, and to develop lifelong friendships with Americans.

Thinking of a year abroad? 

As an American high school student, you also have the opportunity to become an exchange student– FLEX offers fully funded scholarships for a year abroad.There are many reasons to study abroad for a year. Spending a year abroad as a high school student can be a life-changing experience with many benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider spending a year abroad:

And finally, you can even apply after graduation, in order to spend a gap year abroad. The required age ranges from 15 to 19 years old–applicants are encouraged to apply regardless of grade point average or academic performance.

At the same time that my exchange year is coming to an end, “placement season” is starting. During this time, placement organizations  look for host families all across the United States who wish to host a foreign exchange student, for a few weeks, a semester, or even a whole year. 

Why should I host a foreign exchange student?

Hosting a foreign exchange student can be a beneficial experience for both the host family and the student. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider a student:

In conclusion, hosting a foreign exchange student is definitely a meaningful experience for everyone. Davidson continues: “I recommend hosting because it’s such a huge honor and blessing. To bring a student from the other side of the world and get to show them your small piece of the world and they share theirs. Before you know it you’ve just added another piece to your family!” 

FLEX program exchange students in the U.S.

For hosting opportunities or more information feel free to reach out to me at giorgidzenana@mtvernon.k12.mo.us