Focus Factor

New and improved Ag building for MVHS

As many of you may be aware, we have some new additions to the building that houses our agriculture courses. Renovations have expanded it, added all new lighting and lines, improved the bathrooms, and added equipment, including welders. The building now has an actual painting booth in it as well.

The shop is much more open and has plenty of room to be doing multiple projects without having to borrow a welder or borrow some kind of tool. There are new welding tables, the gas tanks for all the welders are no longer needed. We now have all the gas lines running along the ceiling of the metal shop.

These new additions are going to make for the better and better projects for the years to come. Some things that are a little different is that we have a lot more space to move around and be able to do multiple things at the same time, there are multiple classrooms and there may also be a wood shop on the future.

Agriculture courses give students the opportunity to learn many new things, whether that be how to weld or how to properly judge cattle, which are among the many things students can learn about. It's going to be great to see what the future holds for the Ag department here at MVHS.

Psychological effects of dating during high school

Dating is very common during teen years. Many teenagers hope to find a love during high school that sticks with them for the rest of their life while others just want to experience high school or focus on their schoolwork.

A study published in the Journal of School Health finds that teenagers who choose not to date during high school have better social and leadership skills. They are generally happier than those who decide to be romantically involved. To follow the 2013 study, Brooke Douglas, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Georgia and Dr. Pamela Orpinas compared the social and emotional data of 10th graders and found that a lack of romantic relationships had not hindered the development of the “low” daters.

There are also the emotional and mental effects of dating in high school. Some people feel better mentally or “more free” when single knowing they have more free time. Simply, some people also find themselves to be better when in a healthy relationship. It’s really all about preference and what students decide to do their high school years.

Ladd experiences role changes during COVID

As we continue to make our way through a very not-normal school year, we can begin to reflect on all the change that has happened all around us. Students are aware of new online schooling and canceled extracurricular activities, but maybe they don't realize even the office staff are being affected.

One of the people reflecting on these changes is MVHS’s own principal, Dr. Josh Ladd. As a principal, Dr. Ladd has definitely been affected by the change that this school year has brought. As the prime leader of MVHS, Dr. Ladd has had to help make some of the key decisions with helping students stay successful this year.

In an interview, Dr. Ladd answers some questions revolving around how his role as not only a principal but also as a leader has been affected. Dr. Ladd starts the conversation by saying, “The obstacles I have faced as your principal may be different than you or your teachers, but they are no more challenging.” Through the changes, Dr. Ladd still takes the time to recognize the teachers, reminding everyone that everyone is going through the same situation.

One of the things that Dr. Ladd, like most of all staff members, is worried about is the success of his students. He says, “I worry about both my staff and my students as both are being stretched to their limits in every area. I am constantly looking for ways to keep things light and in perspective for everyone.” It seems that one of the roles that Dr. Ladd has embraced over the chaos is the title of a supporter. He continues to remind everyone that as a school we can adapt to the changes.

As a principal, one of Dr. Ladd’s main roles is being a communicator. Of course, we all know that 2020 was not a year for social interactions. Dr. Ladd also speaks about this. “Typically, I’m able to do this more effectively in person, but given the current state of things, I’m having to learn to do this through various mediums, such as videos and email messages, neither of which are as effective as a face-to-face conversation.”

However, he says, “at the end of the day, complaining won’t solve anything. We must play the hand we are dealt and make the best of the situation we are in. And that’s what I’m attempting to do every day.”

It seems that through all of this, our principal has continued to value his most important virtue: being hopeful. Though this year has been difficult, Dr. Ladd has stayed being a strong support system for not only his students, but also his coworkers. He states, “Bottom line, I could not imagine being in a better place than Mt. Vernon. Especially while navigating through this past year.”

Overall Dr. Ladd has strengthened some key roles with the change: being a supporter and a leader. Even though this school year continues to be chaotic, Dr. Ladd ends by reminding all of us that “IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A MTNEER!”