Student Central

Editor: Grace Corey

Senior Spotlight: 

By Gabriel Converse

Here is Miriam happily holding one of her beloved animals. photo provided by Miriam Fox

Miriam Fox

Miriam is involved in FFA, NHS, FCA, Color Guard, Rotary Club, and Winter Guard. 

Outside of school, she likes to take a Jujitsu class and she also takes care of sheep. After Fox graduates, she plans to go to Utah for college and then go on a church mission trip for about a year and come back to finish up her schooling. She is also involved in her church, she leads the hymns and helps with the youth activities. 

For her, high school has been a good learning experience. We are excited for Miriam’s future plans. 

Here is Kadence in one of her senior photos. Photo provided by Kadence's Instagram. 

Kadence Krempges 

Kadence is involved in NHS, Student Council, Art Club, Science Club, and Girls Track. Outside of school, she participates in soccer for Sporting Springfield. 

After high school, she plans to attend Middle Tennessee State University. She wants to major in exercise science and maybe even a minor in communications. As for hobbies, Krempges likes to read, create artistically and be with her family. 

Her high school experience has been a crazy one due to the pandemic. It broke out her freshman year and was equally prevalent in her sophomore year. It wasn’t until her junior year that things finally started to calm down. Through it all she said that “It’s been fun being here.” We wish Kadence the best of luck in her future endeavors.

Bad attitudes plague students

By Nana Giorgidze

Have you ever noticed how a majority of the students seem to have a negative attitude towards school?

In a recent survey, which was sent out to identify the cause of this problem, most students expressed that they believe stress and a negative view on school is caused by excessive workload and homework - over 60% of students answered that being unable to handle the stress that comes from having many overwhelming assignments and short deadlines puts them in a constant bad mood. 

According to some students, there are a few ways this issue can be solved, while others believe that it is natural for students to think this way, and that it cannot be changed. 

One student who prefers to remain anonymous claims the daily grind of school would improve "[i]f the teachers were more lenient." The student further explained, "I myself have a hard time turning things in on time and that adds major stress to my plate. Sometimes I have to turn things in a day or two late and many teachers won't accept it even though I did the work and I did it to the best of my ability, it just took me a minute. I'm sure others have the same issue."

What could be the root of this?

Personal as well as social issues play a big part in people’s moods. You simply cannot have a positive attitude towards school when everything around you is impacting you negatively.

“Mostly the negative attitude is caused by students feeling like they are forced into the school building and believing that they have no say in any of the school process,” says junior Keira Monroe. “Another big thing that causes a negative attitude towards school is excessive assignments and too much work load from the teachers. There's just a lot of negative aspects the students see at school.”

After asking the question as to what would be the solution, most students answered that they feel like students need to have more of a say in things: “You have to listen to the students. Letting students be heard is the best way to solve the problem,” says an anonymous responder.

The vast majority of the students believe more involvement from the counselors would have a positive impact on the student body.

According to Monroe, more engagement from the students is needed. “I think possibly if students had a platform where they could talk about their opinions on issues in the school in a logical, non-accusatory way, it would make them feel like they're more involved in their education and that they have a voice. If you give people a way to voice their opinion, they'll find it worthwhile to participate in school activities and such because they'll be attending those in a positive environment where they feel respected as a person.” 

Some students have also stated that the teaching methods of teachers is an obstacle at school— students are unable to keep up with their peers. Personalized learning was also mentioned, as well as letting students speak up— we seem to have an issue where students believe that their voice or opinion does not matter. 

To sum it up, some believe this problem to be solvable, others argue that the root of this problem is the American education system and that it cannot be fixed because it is a part of life. 

In the end, we have to remember that some people will always have a bad attitude toward school, as it is natural after all.