Mountaineer Moments

Editor: Grace Corey

Changing seasons, changing wardrobes

The ins and outs of high school 2022 fall/winter fashion trends

With the recent visuals of nature developing and molding into the vibrancy of fall and winter, things around day-to-day life have also picked up a new color palette. The fruity, bright beverages of warm weather have been replaced by the soul-comforting heartiness of beige coffee and tea, playlists have moved from the springy beat of vibrant warmth to the slow melancholy blues of fall, and most noticeably the sea of apparel and textiles has become bathed in a glow of cold weather glory. An aspect of changing seasons that is exceptionally noticeable among the halls of high school students.

With the colorful change of seasons also comes the colorful change of people’s wardrobes. Photo courtesy of Common Wealth Times

During an era of developing one’s own sense of style, and being influenced by a multitude of surroundings, figuring out how to change a wardrobe for the change of seasons can be a bit confusing for a teenager. Luckily with the help of simple basics, mastering the trends of frigid air fashion can be easily accomplished.

One of the pleasing benefits of the arrival of cold weather is the comfort of layering. The ability to pair a jacket with a long sleeve shirt and still remain comfortable is something that should be used as an apparel advantage. Incorporating a signature jacket into your wardrobe, whether it’s cotton, leather, suede, or crocheted, a jacket is an amazing piece of outerwear that can make all your outfits unique.

As previously mentioned, cold weather brings the cozy comfort of long sleeves. This is great to remember when picking out a sweater or a worn-in sweatshirt during the colder months. The simplicity of choosing different shades of long-sleeved attire can be an easy way to accommodate the transition of chilly temperatures. Sweaters are also great to consider. With a range of different yarns and patterns, sweaters keep you cozy while offering that mirage of grandparent attire that most people find comforting.

Lastly, with the influence of falling leaves and snow, accessorizing has a rebirth of all its own. From knitted gear of beanies, mittens, and scarves, to the apparent shift of silver to gold jewelry, the art of accessorizing can add an abundance to your outfits. It can take an outfit that might be seen as neutral to all seasons to become perfect for the drop in climate.

Ultimately, navigating the change in wardrobes shouldn't be stressful but a fun opportunity to spice up your style. Incorporating hues of browns, reds, greens, blues, and grays into your closet can truly help make any high school student as stylish as the season surrounding them.

MVHS reflects on first semester of school

By Gabriel Converse

"I’ve been really impressed with the attitudes and efforts that the students have brought to class everyday.” -Ethan Trokey 

The first semester of school is coming to a close, and everyone is preparing for the holiday break. For some, the beginning of the year feels just like it was yesterday, but for others, it feels like an eternity ago. Believe it or not, the year is almost halfway over! Before we head off to the second semester, taking a look back at the first semester will help us see how far we have come.

Senior Andrea Castro (left) and freshman Ayden Alexander (right) pose together during a Speech and Debate tournament where they won second place in their event. 

Senior Andrea Castro said that the beginning of the year was a little rough, as it normally is coming back to school after  summer break. Her classes have been manageable, all that is except chemistry, since science is not really her cup of tea.  She plans on conquering the class this year (or maybe just switching classes). Her favorite part of the year has been all the different clubs that she’s involved in. Trying out new clubs has led her to try out new teachers and friends that she has come to know and love. She has become well adjusted to Mt. Vernon ever since she first moved here last year from Mexico. Adjusting to a new country with a new culture has proved to be a bit challenging, but she feels well fit now. She came here to Mt. Vernon when her parents were in search of work and now calls this place her home. 

Mr. Ethan Trokey said that so far the start to this year has been one of his best out of all his 12 years teaching at MVHS! He said that this year has been a great relief after the pandemic, which has caused everyone to feel panicked and confused. None of his students have suffered from any major illnesses and his students feel safe enough to return to normal schooling, as well as normal seating charts. He is very happy with all of his classes. He says these groups are probably his best so far. 

One of his biggest challenges this year was having to teach a brand new class; physics. Although it hasn’t been easy, he is actually really grateful for this class because it made him have to branch out to different methods of teaching. He has found this class to be very rewarding, not just for him, but for his students as well. He thinks the students of MVHS are headed for great things in life!

Students and staff alike have both learned a lot this first semester of school, with not just physical growth, but mental growth, too. So much has come from this semester alone, and with another semester coming, there’s no telling what learning opportunities will come next. For now MVHS will be taking some time to enjoy the holiday break before tackling the last half of the school year.