New Perspectives

Fine arts vs. sports

Have you ever seen High School Musical? Most people have, but if you haven’t, here’s a little run down on what it’s about. Troy Bolton, a basketball star at East High School, falls in love with Gabriella Montez, a nerdy girl, at a New Year's Eve party that their parents dragged them both to. Fast forward a little bit, they end up going to the same school. Whenever they auditioned for the musical, Troy didn’t want his teammates or his father to know, knowing he would probably get judged since he plays basketball. His father wants him to go to college for basketball so when he starts singing with this nerdy girl, his father and teammates disagree and think he should just stick to basketball.

The point is, schools tend to favor sports over the fine arts. When asked for the student body’s opinion on this topic, 25 out of 34 of them said that schools and/or students favor sports over the fine arts. Just like in High School Musical, more than half of the students would pick to go watch a basketball game over a choir or band concert. That’s why Troy was so afraid of what people would think.

On another note, if most students favor sports over the fine arts, do they possibly favor some sports over others? 31 out of 34 students said yes, they do. “It’s because no one really cares much about the other sports. They’re considered 'boring.' Students love when we can go to the games and actually enjoy what we are watching," a student at MVHS said.

When the staff was asked if you would rather go and watch a basketball game or go and watch students play golf (as a sport). 31 out of 34 people said they would rather go watch a basketball game.

Example 1 of how the students voted.
Example 2.
Example 3.