December 2021

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Hazelton makes All-State, band students take high All-District ranking

On October 23, students Jessah Anderson, Hallee Hazleton, Hannah Varberg, Grace Corey, and Kaylee Scrivner of MVHS show choir performed with All-District Choir. Along with making All-District, senior Hallee Hazleton auditioned and made All-State Choir.

A handful of students in band also participated in auditions for the All-District Band:

Jr. Darrah Dickinson-3rd Chair flute

Jr. Carter Underwood-2nd Chair Alt Alto Sax

Jr. Ben Strohm-5th Chair Gen. Percussion

Sr. Taylor Baker-3rd Chair Gen. Percussion

Sr. Ryan Heckman-1st Chair Gen. Percussion

Sr. Douglas Shaedler-4th Chair Trumpet

All are eligible to audition for All-State Band in December.

Along with preparing these students for their auditions in the next few days, the whole band is preparing for their winter concert on December 12, and ultimately, their performance for the Missouri Music Educators Association in January.

One of MV’s cafeteria heroes on a Pizza Friday. Photo by Laurel Mishevski.

A thank you to the MVHS cafeteria workers

The cafeteria is something a lot of us take for granted. We’ve been depending on them for food for ages now, most of us, whether we’ve signed up for a reduced meal or pay full price.

But what makes the kitchen tick? Well, a large part of it would be Sandy Seitz.

“I’m the kitchen manager. I’m over everybody that’s in here.”

Mrs. Seitz has been here a long time. “I started out doing dishes 26 years ago.”

The worst part of her job is very clear to her. “Paperwork. Doing all the paperwork that we have to do with all the new regulations and stuff. And with the COVID. Some of it’s been cut out, but a lot of it’s still left over from last year.”

But to her, the worst of the job is far outweighed by the best parts. To her, this job is worth the effort it takes.

“The kids and the staff. I enjoy the kids, I love joking around with them, I treat them all just like they’re mine--well, they are my kids. That’s how I consider them. I love to see the kids eat, our numbers have grown this year, a lot more kids are eating. I like to feed you--the kids and the staff, so I think it’s worth it. Been here twenty-six to twenty-seven years, so evidently, I think it’s worth it.”

It’s a job with a lot of heart put into it, and not a lot of thanks. Maybe this holiday season, we should all take a little time and find it in ourselves to remember the people who feed this school.