Community Focus

Editor: Laurel Mishevski

Journalism is an elective English credit advised by Ms. Tanya Hannaford. The class takes place during fifth hour in room 201.

What is the Green & White Review?

by Grace Corey

Every day during fifth hour, juniors Grace Corey, Izzy Rutherford, Kandice Williams, and seniors Laurel Mishevski and Matt Milsop meet to prepare the next issue of the Green & White Review.

They start with self-assigning stories at the beginning of each month. Students are required to write at least two stories–-one school related and one other story on any news, entertainment, or school topic. Over the next few weeks following that, the group writes their articles and conducts interviews individually, although occasionally two students will write one larger article together. Although their supervisor, Ms. Tanya Hannaford, assigns smaller assignments, writing stories takes up the majority of the students’ time.

Towards the end of the month, the students begin revising and organizing their website for the publish date. Their articles are shared amongst the group and proofread. When the stories are finished, they are put on the website along with pictures, captions, and titles. The website is then published and sent out to the entire high school.

The Writing Lab is an important tool for high schoolers to use to improve their writing skills. This logo features prominently on all their promotional materials.Photo courtesy of MVHS Writing Lab

What is the Writing Lab?

By Izzy Rutherford

It would be tough not to take note of the additions that have been added to benefit students throughout the school year. The writing lab was created to offer aid to students who would prefer to receive guidance from their fellow students. It allows students the time to work one-on-one to improve their writing abilities in a safe and open environment.

Though not many have taken advantage of the opportunities that the lab provides, those who have were glad to have done so. Whether a student has questions about starting their rough drafts, their use of grammar and punctuation, or if they simply wish to have someone work through their final copies with them, the writing lab is always willing to help.

Jenna DeLay, junior, says “I thoroughly enjoyed being helped by fellow students. Sometimes students are worried about asking their teacher’s questions, so coming into a room with students ready to help was very comforting.”

Many find it difficult to request help from their teachers, which is where the writing lab comes into play. The lab is a safe place for students to discuss their writing with others of equal status. This can alleviate the stress that comes with asking someone for help. Daniela Salas, also a junior, reported “The helpful part about being there is that all were very happy helping me out.” The lab encourages students to reach out no matter their level of expertise to have whatever questions they may have answered. Mints are offered to all who visit.

Information regarding the writing lab can be found both on the high school website, the writing lab’s website along with the posters located throughout the school’s halls. All are welcome to reach out.