Office 2016 refusing to activate

There is going to be an installed Product key in their computer that hasn't been removed yet. Even though they have removed the previous office that was installed in their computer, the PK of that office still remains. This is the common scenario why office is stuck in an activation loop. There is going to be a way to stop this and here are the steps.


1. Open "This PC ".

2. Open C Drive

3. Once you're in the C Drive, there should be 2 program files (Program files and Program files x86)

4. Choose one of those two. Once you have open up one. Search for " OSPP " on the upper right corner of the window. If there are no results then go back a folder then choose the other program file that you didn't choose earlier.

5. If you found the OSPP. follow this steps

Open up C:\ ( c drive )

Program files ( where you found ospp )

Microsoft Office

Office 16

6. Once you've opened up office 16 folder. Copy the Directory.

7. Once you've copied the directory. Open up CMD with administrator rights

8. Once CMD is open. Type this commands

First you need to change the directory.

Type in:

CD (the directory you copied earlier) ex. CD C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\

then hit enter. After that, type in

cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus ( mind the spaces )

-- You should now get a screen with some license details such as the license name, type and the last 5 characters of the Product Key. Take note of the PK of the Office they need to uninstall. Then once that's done. Enter this command

Script ospp.vbs /unpkey:(XXXXX) -- wherein XXXXX is the last five digits of the PK

Once it's done, voila! reboot computer if you want, but technically it should not ask for an activation anymore.