
Imaging Commands

Run Sysprep

Sysprep /Generalize /oobe /reboot

Show the index wim files within the esd file

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:<source.esd>

Export the selected wim file from the esd file

dism /export-image /SourceImageFile:<source.esd> /SourceIndex:<index> /DestinationImageFile:<destination.wim> /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity

Run to switch from stand-alone to AD integrated WDS server

wdsutil /uninitialize-server

Find the name of the of the computer model (two methods)

wmic computersystem get model

wmic csproduct get name

Start the deployment script from Windows PE

wscript.exe X:\Deploy\Scripts\LiteTouch.wsf

Log File Locations

Before the image is applied to the machine


After the system drive has been formatted


After the image has been deployed


Licensing Commands

How to tell if the license is OEM or Retail

slmgr /dli

Uninstall the current product key for Windows

slmgr /upk

Clear the license from the Registry

slmgr /cpky

Install the current product key for Windows

slmgr /ipk <license key>

Verify the activation

slmgr /dlv

Activate the key with Microsoft support

slui 4

CustomSettings.ini Options in MDT

  • SkipApplications=YES

  • SkipBDDWelcome=YES

  • SkipBitLocker=YES

  • SkipComputerBackup=YES

  • SkipComputerName=YES

  • SkipDeploymentType=YES

  • SkipDomainMembership=YES

  • SkipUserData=YES

  • SkipFinalSummary=YES

  • SkipLocaleSelection=YES

  • SkipPackageDisplay=YES

  • SkipProductKey=YES

  • SkipRoles=YES

  • SkipSummary=YES

  • SkipTaskSequence=YES

  • SkipTimeZone=YES

  • FinishAction=REBOOT

PDQ Deploy in MDT

Instructions - Invoke Option

Port used: 9293