Identimetrics Software Installation

  1. Set an appointment with IDM for the new POS install using the following website: IDM Appointment Scheduler

    • Click on Orange tab on the left, and select "HELP I need technical support" option

    • In description, explain that you are doing a new POS install to replace old POS device

    • Make sure you are doing this under an account you created for *you* so that they call your number when the appointment comes

  2. Go to the old POS device

    • Trying to do the following using a network share method doesn't always work

  3. Navigate to "C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Identimetrics\" and copy the "Database" folder to a flash drive

    • If there are 2 Database folders, copy both to the flash drive

  4. Move the database folder onto the desktop of the "nspos" login

  5. Wait for IDM to call you

  6. Remote them in using the "" website