Here's the info regarding SACS. I don't know what it means, I just know Business services use it and I have some experience installing it:

The page includes the software download link as well as known issues.

This year, one of the issues I've encountered with this program is with the import feature. The fix is described in the known issues link:

What worked for me is registering the RICHTX32.OCX file. Execute the following in CMD with admin privileges:

cd c:\windows\syswow64

regsvr32.exe richtx32.ocx

You should get a message the file was successfully registered.

The other issue is "Run-time error 339" regarding the file TTF16.ocx. Initially, the file wasn't found on the computer. So I ran a repair on the SACS software. This can be done by reinstalling. The file TTF16.ocx was then found in C:\SACS2021\ directory. Then I had to register the file similar to the steps described above:

cd c:\windows\syswow64

regsvr32.exe c:\sacs2021\ttf16.ocx

That's all I've encountered so far. Hopefully, these quick and dirty instructions help if you are asked to assist someone using this software.