Discipline Policy

The school administration and staff are committed to creating and maintaining a safe, healthy and positive environment conducive to learning and which promotes mutual respect and social-emotional well-being.  To that end, reasonable rules reliant on each person’s taking responsibility for one’s actions are in effect.  Students will be courteous and respectful to one another, to staff, and to any school visitors and/or substitute teachers.  This respectful behavior is expected in all parts of the building, hallways, and after school events, during and after school hours throughout the campus.  These rules are in effect on school grounds at all times and while students are engaged in school-related activities regardless of site or location.  A Student’s Guide to Rights and Responsibilities in MCPS and The Code of Conduct, which are distributed to all high school students each year, can also be found online: 


Objects that may create a safety concern or dangerous situation, such as laser pens, water pistols, any look alike weapons, and skateboards are not permitted on school grounds.

Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to do their own work, collaborating on assignments only when directed by the teacher.  When in doubt about whether an assignment is collaborative or not, students are responsible for clarifying teacher expectations.  If a student willfully gives or receives an academic advantage over other students, it is unethical and may be addressed as a disciplinary infraction.  The use of the unattributed work of another person from textual or electronic sources is plagiarism and may likewise constitute a disciplinary infraction. 

Electronic Devices

All electronic items which are brought to school must be used for instructionally-related activities. Because Quince Orchard High School is a wireless and “Bring Your Own Device” school, students may use their personal laptops and tablets to support their learning.  Cell phones and smartphones must be turned off during class periods unless students are invited to use them during the lesson at the direction of their teacher.  Students are not to accept phone calls or texts from anyone during the instructional period.  In case of an emergency, family members that need to reach a student during the instructional day should contact the Main Office and school personnel will contact the student to respond.  Cell phones may be used during the lunch period. Students are reminded to let Parents/Caregivers know if they need to contact them during the school day, they may call or text during lunch). Failure to comply may result in the seizure of the device, and return of the item may be to a parent/guardian.  These items will be confiscated if they are used in a disruptive manner.  The school cannot be responsible for electronic devices, or other such personal belongings.  There is no financial reimbursement for items lost or stolen. 

Failure to Identify Oneself 

All school staff, including (but not limited to) teachers, para-educators, substitutes, cafeteria staff, building services, security, and bus drivers are charged with promoting a positive school environment and maintaining order and discipline.  They therefore may ask students to identify themselves.  Students should understand that a request to identify oneself does not imply any wrong doing on the part of the student.  It is simply a request to enable students and staff members to converse in a polite and respectful manner.   Failure to identify oneself if asked, violates Quince Orchard High School’s code of conduct and will be addressed.  

Hall Passes

Students are not permitted to leave the classroom during the first ten minutes and last ten minutes of class.  After such times, students who need to leave the classroom for a necessary bathroom break, trips to the water fountain, or any other reason, the student must procure a color coded bathroom pass from the teacher.  Should a student request to leave the class for an emergency, the student must procure a general use pass from the teacher which states the student name, where the student is headed, the time and date, and have the teacher’s signature.  Students are asked to keep such request to a minimum and to avoid the need for hall passes except in rare cases.  A teacher's hall pass does not entitle the student to make purchases from a snack vending machine or "going the long way” around the building to get to the stated destination.  

Unauthorized Presence on School Property

Trespassing is the unauthorized presence on school property while under suspension, remaining on school grounds following a partial day schedule without permission from appropriate administrator; remaining at school after 2:40 when not under supervision of staff; or knowingly accompanying a trespasser to school.  Furthermore, students are not permitted to visit or attend other MCPS schools, including feeder middle and elementary schools, during their school day without expressed and authorized reasons (such as music festivals, SGA events hosted by other schools, etc.)  Failure to comply with these parameters may result in the formal issuance of a trespass order.  


Students may not bring visitors to school at any time.