Booster Club & PTSA

Booster Club

The main objective of the Booster Club is to raise funds to support and promote ALL school-sponsored extracurricular activities, such as drama, music, debate, newspaper, as well as interscholastic athletic programs.  Support means financial aid to pay the total or partial cost of needed materials, awards, equipment, goods, or services.  Funds are obtained by collecting dues, operating a concession stand at as many extracurricular activities as possible, and by organizing other fundraising activities.  Some of these include the sale of sports programs, student directories, the After Prom event, and mulch sale.  The Booster Club encourages all of its members to volunteer their help in these activities as much as possible.  The Booster Club will also willingly provide encouragement, guidance, or advice to any group at any time.  It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to administer and govern the affairs of the Booster Club, which includes the granting of funds to requesting extracurricular groups.  The Board of Directors usually meets at the school, at 7:00 P.M., on the second Wednesday of each month (Check the QO website calendar).  The meetings are open to all. Interested members are urged to attend.

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

The Quince Orchard High School PTSA is an organization that supports the instructional program of the school, assists with capital improvement requests, and promotes the welfare of youth in the home, school, and community.  The PTSA usually meets at 7:00 p.m., on the third Tuesday of most months, (Check the QO website calendar) and serves as a liaison between the community and the school administration and staff.  The PTSA executive board welcomes and encourages participation from all Parents/Caregivers, students and staff; all meetings are general meetings.