MJS Weekly Reflection 

April 15 - 19


Latin and Hispanic Music and Dance Trip.

Sra. Tobia and Srta. Centracchio brought their Novice level students to Felician University on Wednesday to see a spectacular and educational performance of Latin and Hispanic music and dance. Thanks to a generous grant from the Madison Education Foundation, 92 students were able to take part in this exciting cultural experience! Here is a sampling of the students’ comments after the show:

"Thank you so much for the fun time my friends and I had. We really enjoyed seeing the dances from different cultures and the music that went along with it."

"I really enjoyed seeing all the cultural differences, and the dances were so fun and cool. All the acrobatics were really impressive. Thank you so much for the opportunity!" 

"The actors and singers were amazing. They lightened our moods throughout the day and we also all got to socialize without devices. THANK YOU M.E.F." 

"It was an amazing experience to watch all the dances from the different cultures including mine and I was just so grateful to see all my friends there with me to witness the beauty and emotion within all of the dancers and instrument players dancing to true culture."

District Strings Concert

On Wednesday night our middle school strings department joined with our district strings department for their annual District Strings concert. Each group played various tunes providing beautiful music. The last piece featured the entire district orchestra program playing together. It was a great night of music and celebrating our wonderful strings program in Madison. Congratulations to our students and directors for a great concert!

5th to 6th Grade Orientation

On Thursday morning, we welcomed our current 5th graders to Madison Junior School for their orientation to get ready for 6th grade! Our 5th graders learned about many parts of our school that makes the Junior School a great place to learn and grow. Our student council members provided student tours so that our 5th graders could see all the different parts of our building. At night we welcomed the 5th grade families to learn about our school and hear from some of staff. We are so excited to have our 5th graders become part of our MJS ONE community!

6th Grade Math in Action

Our 6th grade math students are currently working on geometric shapes and composite figures. The objective was to be able to compose and decompose shapes to find area using triangles, rectangles and parallelograms. Students engaged in a composite shapes golf game where they had to solve geometric problems to get a "hole in one" and move onto the next green. Students had a great time working with their groups and gaining a better understanding of composite shapes.

8th Grade Italian Trip

The 8th grade Italian students enjoyed an afternoon of cooking and eating tagliatelle pasta and cannolis while practicing the language at Healthy Italia on Friday.  We are grateful for the MEF's support of this enriching and engaging learning opportunity! 

Security Vestibule Construction Progress

The Security Vestibule is just about complete! A few technical adjustments and it will be ready to go! 

Morning Hoops at MJS

There is still space to join our new Morning Hoops program at MJS. If you child is interested please click this link to fill out the permission slip. Check out the information on the flyer below. Hope to you see you at Morning Hoops!

Important Information

Technology Reminder about Student Chromebook Usage

In Madison, we utilize a 1:1 Chromebook model where all students (grades 6-12) receive a district owned Chromebook to utilize during the school day and at home. While there is no cost for the use of the Chromebook, it is important that Chromebooks be maintained and handled in a responsible way. As we continue to move through the school year, we wanted to utilize this time as a reminder for our students and families about the importance of handling Chromebooks with care to prevent damage to the device. The district has expectations and protocols that are listed on the district website that we continue to follow at the building level. 

We would like to highlight the specific section regarding lost and damaged chromebooks as a reminder to all parents and guardians:

In the event a Chromebook, case, or charger is lost or damaged beyond repair and deemed to be intentional, excessive, neglectful or student misuse, parents/guardians are responsible for paying the cost of replacement equipment.


Note: Final assessment of damage and fines are determined by the Technology Department.

Students are also responsible for the care of any loaners they use. Damage to loaners is subject to the same rules as permanently assigned Chromebooks.

In case of theft, parents/guardians are required to file a formal police report with the Madison Police Department.

Below are the direct links from the district website that pertains to Chromebook care and protocols followed for lost/damaged Chromebooks.

Device Rules and Regulations
Lost/Damaged Equipment
Terms  and Conditions
Parent/Student Resources

Thank you for your assistance in helping to remind our students about maintaining and handling our Chromebooks in a responsible and safe way.

Additional Information

Summer Programs 

Click Here for more information about The Madison STEAM Academy

In Our Community

Upcoming Events

Registration is OPEN for the 2024 MEF Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, June 1, 2024. Register individually or with a partner for a fast-paced, fundraising day of round-robin style play. 

NEW THIS YEAR is the MEF Youth Pickle & Play on Sunday, June 2, 2024. Register your kids for a fun morning of pickleball games and tournament play. Activities will be tailored by experience and age (elementary, middle, and high school). Beginners welcome!

Project Community Pride of the Madison Area YMCA

Upcoming Events

Madison Public Library Newsletter

If you are interested in receiving the virtual newsletter from the Madison Public Library so that you can stay up to date with what the public library is offering , please click this link to sign up.

From our PTO

To our MJS community, 

Your dues are important to the success of our mission. Please help support your children, the MJS Staff and our PTO with a donation of $50-$75 for every 6th-7th grade student and $75 for every 8th grade student. Dues are not mandatory and any dollar amount donated above or below our suggested amounts will be much appreciated. Feel free to use the square link or the venmo QR code attached below. 


Stay in touch with all up to date news and information by following us on instagram 


Looking ahead


April 23 - Report Cards Available to Families

April 25 - Take Your Child to Work Day


May 1 - Trep$ Spring Marketplace

May 6-10 - NJSLA Testing (ELA and Math All Grades)

May 13-14 - NJSLA Testing (Science 8th Grade)

May 16 - MJS Color Run

May 17 - Aershes Kickball Fundraiser

May 22 - Chorus Concert 6:00pm

May 22 - Orchestra Concert 7:30pm

May 27 - School Closed - Memorial Day

May 28  - School Closed for Students - Staff Inservice

