Lundi 3 avril 2023

Sous la houlette de Stéphane Aubagnac les élèves roumaines et les élèves français du club Erasmus ont participé à des "ice breakers", soit des activités pour faire connaissance et créer de la cohésion.

Connaissez-vous le "spaghetti challenge" ? Il s'agit de construire la plus haute structure avec pour matériaux :

Début d'après-midi : 

Visite du lycée « yeux bandés » (en binôme 1 élève roumain les yeux bandés / 1 élève français puis échange des binômes)

Bilan de l’expérience : deviner où on est allé / restitution des impressions et des émotions ressenties.

Today was truly an eye-opening experience when it comes to better understanding disabilities and the hardships in the lives of those who suffer from them. We began by listing all of the words related to the wide spectrum of disabilities, and then we came up with our own definition of the word “disability” while using as many words listed as possible.

Afterwards we went through realistic simulations where we were blindfolded and then we were hearing impaired. Missions were given to us and we had to complete them in groups of four whilst one was blindfolded and another wasn’t able to hear. We had to walk from our classroom to the garden, to the infirmary and finally, to the secretary. For our tasks we had to find a hidden card in the infirmary, to take a photo in the garden and to take a selfie with the headmaster. 

Overall, our experience was positive as we learned valuable information about disabilities. We also had fun as a team while trusting each other and getting to know each other. 

Adela, Lou-Anne, Esmel, Amalia

Après les activités coopératives, retour en classe pour restituer (en anglais) les réflexions communes sur le thème : Qu’est-ce que le handicap ?

Les productions des élèves

Acrostic: Disability


Disabilities affect people of all ages and ethnicities.

Integration in society can be easier for disabled people that have a support group.

Shaming disabled people is not acceptable.

Awareness of disabled people and societal problems should be more widespread.

Being disabled should not stop you from achieving your dreams.

Involve yourself in the local community and support people with disabilities.

Learn how to love yourself, regardless of the mean comments you might get.

Institutions should provide access,equipment and support for disabled people. 

Turn yourself into a trustworthy person that people with disabilities can count on.

You must be empathic and willing to help whenever you are able to.



Adela, Lou-Anne, Esmel, Amalia

Disabled people are still humans.

Illnesses can be physical and mental.

Solidarity is the best way to help the disabled.

Autistic children have the right to study among everyone .

Babying the disabled is inappropiate.

In public places, we need facilities for the disabled.

Life is too short to hate people just because of their disabilities.

Inclusion is the key to fight against stigma.

Teachers have to include disabled children in class.

                     Be anyone

You can  <                         >  you want.

                   Do anything

Disabled people represent 16% of the world’s population.(World Health Organization, 7 March 2023) 

However they still are stigmatised and marginalised. 

The word disability is an umbrella term for both mental disabilities (like autism, adhd, ocd…) and for physical disabilities (like blindness, being an amputee…). There are many ways of making life more accessible but we discovered today through the activity we did that living day to day life was very difficult regardless. Two of the four student’s hearing and vision were impaired and the group was asked to perform simple tasks. 

We ended up having a hard time just walking through the school and bumped into doors and tripped in the stairs

“During this experience I discovered the importance of not only having more accessible places but also the importance of not being alone. Being blinded was hard but having a group of people I could trust helped me greatly. I also knew the school which made me less nervous than if I had been in a place I didn’t know.” - Emmy

“Today’s activity has given me a taste of how a disabled person (blind and deaf) lives for a couple of minutes. I discovered that not only having more accessible buildings is a necessity, but also how important it is to have the help of others. “  -Violeta