
The Junior Maths Challenge Online Competition 2022

The youngest members of the Leigh Academy, years 7 and 8, had to complete a different set of challenges in comparison to last year in order to get to the end of this challenge. As always the year 7s were new to the challenge whereas most of the year 8s already participated last year, so had a slight advantage.The journey towards mathematical glory was as follows:

Principled, Open-minded, Thinking Mathematicians being chosen

In April 2021, one hundred Year 7 and Year 8 students were selected by their Maths teachers to take part in this year's Junior Maths Challenge online competition. Students were told that based on their performance in Maths lessons, completing the challenge would improve their problem solving skills and it would be a good experience for them. It was optional, students did not have to do the challenge but they had to be decisive and they also needed the support of their parents.

Knowledgeable Inquirers demonstrating their Caring attitude by helping each other

Eighty-five students took up the offer and joined the virtual google classroom that contained all the information required to prepare, practise and complete the challenge. Students had to work independently, to sort through various links to download online practice past papers, and plan study and revision sessions, to help them to feel a little more confident when completing the challenge. As a facilitator it was very inspiring to watch and listen to the Year 8 and 7 students who completed the Anniversary Challenge. They were very good communicators!

Principled, Open-minded, Balanced, Risk-takers at work

The next phase was to complete the challenge. On Wednesday 27th of April 2022, between 11:30am and 1:30pm, approximately 100 students completed the Maths Challenge in the Lecture Theatre at The Leigh Academy. This was the greatest number of students to take part in the Junior Maths Challenge competition at the academy. The increase in numbers had to do with many students being inspired by others, and they arrived on the day asking for permission to be allowed to do the challenge! They did this process really well.

The Results Day!

On Friday 21st of May the results came in and they were the best that we have ever achieved in the history of completing the Junior Maths Challenge Competition at The Leigh Academy! A total of 28 Bronze Awards and 1 Silver Award were achieved and the top performers are listed below:

Year 7:

Bartek (Best in Year) Freddie, Jeriam, Tripat, Priya, Rihanna, Raheem, Ikenna, Elizabeth, Goda, Daniel and Joshua

Year 8:

Danni (Best in Year and the only silver award this year!) Yousef, Zoe, Maja, Jacob, Miley, Joshua, Frank, Tommy, Henna, Layla, Sakima, Harvey, Amber and Dara.

Well done to all the students who participated. You are all very resilient, responsible, open minded and knowledgeable and you made it to the end of a very challenging Maths competition. You should all be very proud of yourselves!