Summer Newsletter 2022

Principal's Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

It is with delight that we share with you our Summer 2022 Leigh Newsletter. You will see a jam packed edition showing a range of wonderful experiences that our young people have been able to be a part of once again.

We have held successful activity days launching our new college figureheads with students enjoying scavenger hunts, a diversity fashion show, a falconry visit, science experiments, first aid course, T-shirt designing, researching countries amongst the many activities in place to show the qualities and interests of Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, Mary Seacole and William Shakespeare. Our students have shown themselves to be open minded, resilient inquiries as they have participated fully, despite the heat wave!

We are delighted to have been able once again to offer all of our students the opportunity to attend reward trips or activity days. Students were able to select their choice from a wide range of activities, including a day at Thorpe Park, Flipout, Gravity, the cinema, Ninja Warrior, panic rooms, Adventure Island, Mote Park and on site activities. Students were risk takers, trying out new challenges reaching the top of the climbing wall or supporting each other to reach the top of ‘The Wall’ at Ninja Warrior. Students across Years 7 to 12 were open-minded to try out new activities, working in different groups as well as needing to be good communicators, particularly in the panic rooms in order to solve the puzzle to escape before the time ran out!

After several years, with limited experiences available for such activities due to restrictions, a massive thank you to all Leigh staff for this team effort to ensure that over 1000 students had a great day to remember!

We have exciting new projects taking place over the summer with the construction of a new science suite and a central Attenborough College for our Post 16 with a study area, library kitchen space, desktop computers and air con! We will share photos in our next edition.

Within this newsletter you will also be able to read updates from every subject area, information on the many Sports Days that have taken place as well as our first successful cohort of Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Year 9 students. This opportunity will be offered to our new Year 9’s so do look out for this information in the Autumn.

I wish you and your families a lovely, restful summer holiday and I look forward to welcoming out students back for the new Academic Year 2022-2023.