


As we are getting back to normal from the pandemic, our pupils are enjoying outdoor and collaborative learning opportunities using real life experiences.

Year 7 classes are learning about weather and climate in this module and have conducting a fieldwork on microclimates on the school grounds. They also used this opportunity to get closer to nature and recall the knowledge from the last module by spotting elements of food chains. They will be making their own anemometers next and weather permitting, will conduct another fieldwork on school grounds.


In these photos year 10 students are getting ready to go on their fieldwork trip to Reculver and Herne bay. They were learning about the coastal process of erosion, transportation, deposition and coastal defences. They had a tasty lesson to illustrate coastal erosion processes and resulting landforms created by destructive waves.

Physical Geography Trip

Year 10 Geography class went on their “Physical Geography” field trip to collect primary data from Reculver and Herne bay coastline. Students had a fantastic time and found the experience really valuable. The geography team is looking forward to introducing more fieldwork opportunities in KS3 within the academy grounds as well as field trips offsite in the future.