
In Key stage 3, students have been introduced to Physical theatre and Frantic Assembly. In Year 7 students have explored creating scenes with no props or set, just relying on their movement and voices to create everything needed. In Year 8 students explored chair duets where they used a technique called ‘building blocks’ to create and communicate a relationship using chairs, movement and music.

Year 9 have been devising using Artaud techniques, to create a piece of immersive theatre where they give the audience a role and make them an integral part of the play. They also devised pieces around the theme of ‘secrets’, along with Year 10.

Year 11 completed their external exam on the given theme of ‘better together.’ A variety of performances were developed about how working together can help solve problems. They had to promote the strengths of the performing arts industry within this which lead to some ‘Stomp’ style approaches to their performances, creating music using props and set.

Year 12 completed their performance of ‘Things I Know To Be true’ plus an external exam on a variety of practitioners.

Year 13 finished their course with a devised piece inspired by a given stimulus on Old England. This lead to a piece about injustice through the centuries and how twisted the judicial system is. The entire piece was set in a courtroom with the audience as the jury deciding the fate of each case. They used a mixture of naturalism with Brechtian techniques to communicate their political message .