
All students studying arts subjects across all key stages have been working hard to bring together their final personal responses to the themes they were given at the beginning of the year. Yr 7 and 8 students have been applying all their colour and mark making knowledge to a decorative border inspired by the typography of the Vienna Secessionists . Year 7 have explored the theme of Family and have transcribed their family into their frame. Year 8 explored the issue of pollution in the ocean and used the quote from David Attenborough, "Surely we all have a responsibility to care for our blue planet" as their decorative frame. These frames are designed to complement the work developed during the year.

Year 9 have explored the theme of ‘Savage’ and have developed a large range of skills both traditional and digital and are bringing all their learning together in designs for a book jacket for Lord of the flies by William Golding. Along side this they have some thoughtful contextual research about Picasso’s protest painting Guernica made in response to the atrocity of the Bombing of the town in 1937.

Year 10 students have taken an experimental approach by using a new practical technique called Batik. Students used this in their exam to describe and evoke the winter garden . This technique uses hot wax to define lines and colour is then added and layered. Photography students have been making work in the style of Blossfeldt and Graphics students are designing labels for honey pots.

We have just mounted a small exhibition of Year 11 and Year 13 work for external examiners. Students have produced some very strong personal responses in all three disciplines with some excellent examples of drawing and painting, photography and graphics.

And year 12 are working hard on their end of year exams in art to develop and resolve work . again we would like to showcase the quality of outcome and the individual responses that students have made and would like to congratulate everyone on their achievement. They have all worked so hard! We are really proud of all of them!