
This module, the year 7 ICT lessons have been focusing on Robotics. They have spent their time looking at several robots and discussing the technology and uses behind them.

One year 7 class was even student-led by Ikenna, who took the class through how the robot, Buddy, worked. Ikenna had taken the initiative and researched the Robot prior to the lesson.

The year 7 classes also had an opportunity to show off their artistic side by doing some images of the robots which they had lots of fun with.

They will eventually move on to designing their own robot using the knowledge and building them using materials they found around their homes.


Year 9 students went on a mission of the Infinity STARship (S.T.A.R. standing for Sustainable Technology Autonomous Robots) whereby they had to use STEM knowledge and skills to help Earth and other planets across the universe achieve a more sustainable way of living.

As part of the Infinity STARship crew, the year 9 students were trained in STEM by using interactive games in the Arcade, trying out quizzes in the Quiz Centre, learning from Siemens earthlings in the Wonder Wall, and watching the SeeMe show in the Auditorium. Once they had finished exploring, they learnt how to complete their training on Earth as a Siemens employee in the Careers Bay.