
Announcing the new Student Leadership Team for 2022-23

After a very thorough application and interview process, we are delighted to announce which Attenborough College students will be serving on the Student Leadership Team in the forthcoming academic year. These students have been chosen to serve as ambassadors for the academy because of their excellent role-modelling of the attributes we hope that all of our students will acquire during their time with us. We are excited to work with them and wish them well in their roles.

Academy Roles





The Mind, Body and Soul Team

Student Voice

Student Voice

& Fitness Ambassador

Sport & Fitness Ambassador

Well-being and Mindfulness

The Events Team

International Women’s Day Conference

LAT Global Politics Conference

Positivity Week

Cultural Celebrations

Cultural Celebrations

Year 12 UCAS Discovery Event

On Thursday 9th June, Year 12 took a trip to the Detling Showground for the UCAS Discovery event. This was a great opportunity for students to interact with over 100 Universities and find out a bit more about the courses they offer and life as a uni student.

Many of the stalls had interactive activities and gave a real taste of what to expect from the courses on offer. There was also the chance to take a careers quiz and there were plenty of live talks giving advice about how to choose and apply to university, gap year opportunities as well as information about apprenticeships and employment.

Students came away with bags full of prospectuses and heads full of information which will now help them finalise their personal statements, ready to send off their application to UCAS when they return in Year 13.

IB Exam Results 2022

Undoubtedly, the Year 13 cohort of students that has just completed its Post-16 journey at The Leigh Academy has faced unprecedented disruption over the last three years. Schools closed in March 2020 and that cohort were unable to sit their GCSE examinations. They then went on to experience more school closures and other limitations during the pandemic.

However, they have proved themselves to be an extraordinary cohort of young people, who have adapted exceptionally well to the demands of remote learning and have, in many ways, benefitted from how different their Post-16 journey has been to previous cohorts’ experiences. They have become the most resilient, adaptably work-ready and best prepared generation of future university students to have passed through the academy. We are proud that 75% of them intend to go to university this autumn and know that they are ‘university ready’.

This was proved when they collected their IB results on 6th July and discovered that they had achieved the best IB results the academy has had since it was authorised as an IB World School in 2017. In that five year period, the Average Points Score of our IB students has risen by 10, so that our 32.6 APS now places us well above the LAT average, second in the Trust and above the global average. For this to have been achieved by a cohort who had never taken public examinations until they faced their IB exams in May is extraordinary.

No end of praise must be heaped on our Year 13 IB students for the way they have accounted for themselves but grateful thanks must also be extended to their parents and carers and huge recognition must be given to the determination shown by staff that this generation of young people in our care would not be written off as either a forgotten generation or simply as ‘The Covid Kids’. It is this triangular approach that means that our Post-16 provision continues to go from strength to strength and gives us confidence as we anticipate A level and BTEC results in August.

Rachel was one of our students who took all of her qualifications in Higher Level IB subjects. She achieved grade 5 in all three: English Language and Literature, Film and Geography. Rachel is preparing to begin an apprenticeship this autumn.

Jacob faced more challenges than almost anyone during his Post-16 journey, as he is extremely visually impaired. He achieved grade 5 in Higher Level Psychology and grade 4 in Higher Level Biology. He is preparing to study Sports Science at university, as well as representing Team GB in Goalball.

Ryan achieved grade 5 in Higher Level English Language and Literature and grade 6 in Higher Level Business Management. Layla, one of our IBCP students, achieved grade 5 in Higher Level Film, grade 6 in Higher Level Global Politics and grade A in her Reflective Project. Both are preparing to go on to university this autumn, with Ryan taking History and Layla taking Film.

Katelin achieved grade 6 in both Higher Level Biology and Higher Level Psychology and is preparing to train as a Learning Disabilities Nurse at university this autumn. She is shown here with her Biology and Psychology teachers, Miss Collins, Ms Smith and Mrs Shepley.

Year 13 leavers event

On Friday 27th May we said ‘see you soon’ to our year 13 students. After an incredibly challenging 2 years in Post-16, we were able to come together to celebrate everything they have achieved and wish them luck as they move onto the next chapter of their lives.

Mrs Shepley and the Attenborough College team went to great lengths to put on such an amazing event, which included a DJ, catering, a candy floss and slushy stall, handmade cupcakes and of course a flower wall as a backdrop for those all important final group photos!

No Leigh Academy leavers event is complete without a slideshow of all the pictures we accumulate of students at school events over their time with us. Students love seeing (after getting over the initial embarrassment) pictures from when they joined us in year 7, and it is a lovely way to reflect on their journey as a Leigh Academy student.

We wish all of them the very best for the future and look forward to seeing them all results day on August 18th, when we will celebrate their successes again.

Year 12 Taster Days

It was a pleasure to welcome our prospective Year 12 students on the 4th and 5th of July to experience life as a Post-16 student. Current year 11 students who have applied to join us in September were invited to two taster days where they could get a feel for how subjects are delivered and the sort of content that is covered. Students who came from other schools got a feel for the building and it was a great chance to meet academy staff and make new friends.

We look forward to welcoming all our new students in September. To find out how to enrol, please contact Julie Howell on 01322 620439 or via email