Seacole Activity Days

Launching our new figurehead in the most spectacular way!

On Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July, Seacole students were involved in a variety of Seacole-linked activities to fully establish her as our new figurehead.

Seacole has huge shoes to fill in replacing Leonardo da Vinci but with her titles of doctress, philanthropist, nurse, traveller, business woman and author, she really is an inspiration to us all.

Following the Seacole launch assembly, students were fully engaged with carefully planned events , including free ice cream (a must in those temperatures!) Staff and students alike were grateful for the tasty treat under the shade of the tree on the basketball court.

As if ice cream wasn't enough, the Diversity Club went forth and showcased their diverse culture and embraced it, as students represented their heritage in traditional clothing to celebrate the traditions that are instilled in our cultures today.

Students used the fashion show as a way to show that culture never dies, no matter how far back it originates. It also showed how diverse culture is in our academy, with many different countries represented in our community.

Students from The Leigh Academy gathered together to celebrate diversity in the form of a fashion show, rocking their cultural attire. Being able to express yourself and your country through your clothing, shows real courage and determination.

Coming together, listening to music from different cultures and being able to see students' different attire was a great experience for us all.

The Fashion Show has been a great way to connect with each other and respect each other just purely based on who we are. It really brought to life the ideal of 'Different Culture, One People' that the diversity club promotes. The fashion show had one goal : to connect and to express individuality and culture whilst also respecting others.

We asked the students from Diversity club to explain what Diversity club meant to them and how the fashion show went to include on the newsletter. Please see below.

'Being part of diversity club means coming together as one and not using discrimination against people who may be different to us. Whether their skins differ in colour or because of their culture.' Kali

'Being in a world of multiple cultures, different vibes and different people all coming for one common goal: DIVERSITY' Emmanuel

'Being a part of diversity club has given us the opportunity to create a community within our school where everyone is welcome regardless of nationality, race, gender, etc. It also gives stronger meaning to the word anti-discrimination. Diversity club is a way to be comfortable with who you are and what your background is. It's given each individual member the pleasure to be satisfied with our background, ethnicity and gender' Amber

'Being a part of the diversity club to me means that I'm able to really express myself freely. I also get an insight of everybody else's cultures. The slogan "different races, one people'' shows that we're not here to state differences but how we can become one. To grow with each other and to learn from one another' Renel.

The fashion show was certainly difficult to match, however Seacole students continued to develop their international mindedness by researching Mary Seacole's Jamaican and Scottish roots in the next session. Following this, Seacole students mapped Mary's journeys across the world, discovering what a brave and strong-minded woman Seacole was.

On day two of the Seacole Activity Days, Seacole students were faced with a range of challenges to test their resilience, communication skills and inquiring minds. A treasure hunt, quick cricket, a Caribbean music challenge, tent races, and even a certificated first aid course were all part of the exciting activities on Tuesday 19th July.

Map of Mary Seacole's Journey!

It was a couple of days that Seacole students will not forget, and not because of the record breaking temperatures! All students demonstrated the spirit of Seacole - being adventurous, team players, resilient and determined. It was a wonderful way to start the new era of the college in yellow.

Ms L Bodle - Assistant Head of Seacole College