Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Qualifying Expedition 2nd and 3rd July 2022

On the 2nd and 3rd of July, Year 9 students embarked on day 1 of their Bronze Award Duke of Edinburgh expedition. The weather conditions were hot but students came prepared with lots of water and ample energy. In their groups, students set off at approximately 9am. Groups used their map-reading skills and their route cards to navigate their way through the beautiful Meopham village, to Hope Hill Campsite. Once students arrived, they set to work on erecting their tents and using camping stoves to cook a hearty meal. Students’ teamwork shone through from start to finish, and this included some friendly ball-games at camp. Day two was equally as warm, but the year 9 students powered through and showed incredible resilience during a challenging 2 days. Congratulations to you all on completing this gruelling task , well on the way to achieving the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award! Well done!

Bronze and Silver Award Opportunities for 2022-23 Season

From September 2022, we have sixty places to offer our Year 9 students to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. We also now have the Silver Award to offer to students who have completed the Bronze Award. If you are interested, please collect a registration pack from Mr Hills in the Exams Office.