Comanche Traditions

By: Ross

The Comanche used a medicine bowl and put medicine in it and healed the sick.

The Comanche has many traditions, but didn’t meet often as a tribe. Every once and awhile they have a homecoming pow wow in Oklahoma. The Comanche believed that the great spirit that created everything in the world. They had a vision quest where they did not eat for many days while they tried to make a relationship with their god, the great spirit. Most of their ceremonies were for their culture. They had a ceremony for sick people called the beaver ceremony. Everyone would gather around the sick person and ask the great spirit to heal them. They all ate a drug called “peyote” from a cactus that they say give them a vision that makes them feel good. In times of war, Comanche would paint warriors faces black when they died and wrap them in rags. Today, the Comanche have a national Comanche fair in the Oklahoma military base.