Principal's Message

Dear Brown School Family,

As we approach the last week of school, it's time to bid farewell to another incredible academic year. It's been a journey filled with growth, learning, and unforgettable memories. We wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation and wish you all a fantastic summer ahead!

To the parents, we extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support throughout the year. Your dedication and involvement in your child's education have made a significant impact on their progress and achievements. From attending parent-teacher meetings to assisting with homework, you have been the guiding light for your children. Your love, encouragement, and countless sacrifices have shaped their success, and we are truly grateful.

To the students, you have shown immense resilience and determination, especially during these challenging times. Your commitment to learning, adapting to new circumstances, and overcoming obstacles has been truly inspiring. We have witnessed your growth, not only academically but also in character, as you have embraced new challenges and pursued your passions. Your accomplishments, big or small, have filled our classrooms with pride.

Now, as the summer break arrives, we encourage you all to take this time to recharge, rejuvenate, and explore new horizons. Use these weeks to indulge in activities that bring you joy and allow you to unwind. Whether it's spending quality time with loved ones, embarking on adventures, or pursuing hobbies, let this summer be a celebration of your achievements and a time to create cherished memories.

Remember, learning is not confined to the walls of a classroom. Embrace the world as your classroom and seek knowledge in every experience. Explore new books, visit museums, engage in community service, or simply find solace in nature. Let curiosity be your guide and never stop discovering.

To the parents, we encourage you to continue nurturing your child's thirst for knowledge beyond the classroom. Engage in meaningful conversations, encourage their creativity, and provide opportunities for growth. Embrace the precious moments of togetherness and cherish the laughter and joy that summer brings.

As we bid adieu for now, we want to express our deepest gratitude for being a part of this wonderful school community. We are immensely proud of each and every one of you. Remember, the bonds we have formed and the lessons we have learned will forever be cherished.

May your summer be filled with endless laughter, sunshine, and beautiful memories. Stay safe, embrace the warmth of the season, and return in the fall, rejuvenated and ready for new adventures.


Dr. Angela

This Week's Essentials

2023-2024 Labels for Students

The Music Department K-12 is using Mabel's Labels as a campaign to end "LOST AND FOUND" at the J. Graham Brown School. I have been astounded by the amount of lost clothing, water bottles and lunch bags in the L&F bins both in January and this June. I would like to end this problem with a labeling solution while also supporting the music department at THE BROWN SCHOOL! 

Labels are a great way to make sure items are returned to students! Think lunch bags, water bottles, clothing like jackets and hoodies. Personal items like backpacks and purses could use a label on the inside. How about school supplies and folders? I have found so many without names on them! Also, there is an option for safety labels.  Does your child have an allergy? Emergency contact information can be added to a backpack or personal item.

School Supplies for 23-24

J. Graham Brown parents...We all know about inflation! Have you tried to buy eggs recently? They're up over 70% from what you paid last year at this time! You know what hasn't skyrocketed in price? 1st Day School Supplies! They ordered their supplies last fall, allowing us to save up to 30% from shopping at big box stores like Target, Walmart, even on Amazon. So, order your supplies early and save with 1st Day School Supplies.

Order here:

Parting Words from a Senior

By Senior Alex Diakov

As Taylor Swift once said, “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you.” This has certainly been a tumultuous 4 years, but hey, we made it. It's crazy to think that at 2:40 today the bell rings for the last time and we leave this place saying goodbye to so many people and memories. We screamed at the top of our lungs at basketball games and pep rallies, awkwardly shuffled with a friend or significant other at dances, and even worked together on the arguably unnecessary (but so worth it) mock election. But when thinking back on a specific experience that really relates to this class’ journey through high school, my mind immediately is drawn to Tremont. 

Nestled in the beautiful Smoky Mountains, our class embarked on hikes, saw a waterfall and  the stars, played games together, laughed together, and learned about the biodiversity of the area. Even though this trip was so long ago, many of us still cherish the memories made and believe it to be a defining moment for the class. But when thinking back on this trip, I realize we can relate the sights and symbols we saw to our unique journey through high school.

Seeing a waterfall was definitely a highlight of the trip. Waterfalls are constantly moving swiftly, with new water replacing the water that had just fallen. Many of us didn’t realize how fast we were moving through high school, but more importantly how fast we were growing up. While it may have gone by quickly, the growth we had was beautiful. We all grew in ways we could have never imagined especially during the pandemic.  This seemed to be a low point for many of us, so I don’t want to dwell on it for long, but it is part of our journey and it is important to acknowledge these low moments because often it leads to more growth. It offered many of us the confidence to find ourselves and start ignoring the judgment around us. Waterfalls grow larger by eroding the soft rock around where the water is flowing and our class will continue to keep growing and persevere, as strong as the water flowing from a waterfall.

Meteor showers do not tend to be common, and some of us got the chance to witness this rare event at Tremont. Some believe that if you wish upon a shooting star, you will receive what you wished for. Many of us, even at the start of this year, joked about how we hoped and wished it was graduation, eager to go on our divergent paths into the future. Little did we know, sitting here now, so many of us are afraid to leave. We are all stars in our own way and I know that those who have helped us get here, teachers, parents, guardians, and friends have helped give us the tools and strength we need to keep going, and move on. These people will always be here for you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help; it makes you no less strong. Additionally, the moments and memories we shared as a class are rare, just like a meteor shower, so we need to make a promise right now to each other to never take a single moment for granted. This is the last year of being in this high school as a class, laughing in our hallways on the way to APUSH, crying about an essay (thanks AP research), smiling at the silly antics in the lunchroom, and walking on the parking garage during class. We are forced to say goodbye to the people and routine we have formed here over the past four years, but I have no doubt this class will continue to be successful.

There’s some games that many of us know such as Song Association. We played this common game at Tremont in teams, all around a campfire. For those who may not know how the game works, you are basically given a word, and you and your team have to sing a long lyric with that word in it. My team won the first round and we got the luxury of picking the next word. We pick the word love. Now in hindsight, this was an awful choice because I’ll bet all of you could think of at least 10 songs with this word, so fatefully we never finished this game. I think it’s fitting that we never finished this game; this action represents moving on to the next chapter of our life. When thinking about the word we ended on, and a common word used in Song Association, love, I think about the connections we made with each other over the past four years. Many of us truly have forged lifelong connections, people who we truly can say we love. Watching all of you throughout the past four years I have seen all the talents and love you possess. Mark my words: this class is going to be successful because I think we hold the key to really making it, and that's the ability to bond with a group of people so much that you learn to just be your genuine self, which, in my opinion, is where we are all able to be our best. When faced with challenges, it may be tempting to fall back or quit, but never forget to challenge yourself because this class is going to do big things. Our class has always been able to laugh or smile with each other, even when facing unspoken hardships and difficulties

We don’t entirely know what's next, but we have a foundation of people and support systems we have built over the last four years that can help carry us through to the next phase of our life. They helped us grow up. And even though we grew up, full of laughs, tears, dreams, and disappointments, we still have so much more growing to do. Thank you specifically to our guardians, family, administrators, counselors, and teachers who always ensured we felt safe and always offered us an outlet whenever we needed it regardless of if it was school related or life related. You all helped us throughout this journey of high school and our lives. You had us reading picture books when we were young, then chapter books, and now we are moving on to the next chapter of our lives, turning another page: moving on. Senior class, next I want you to look around. We need to thank each other and ourselves. Often I find we do not give ourselves enough credit for what we have done, but even when we don’t we always have a friend ready to lift us up. Know that we are in this together as we jump into the next phase of our lives and when faced with adversity, do not back down because the people in this class have ALWAYS found a way to persevere and reach their goals. To the class of 2023, peace out.

Weekly Columns


William Mansfield, PTSA President - Click to EMAIL

Join the PTSA Here 

Congratulations New SBDM Parent Leaders

Congratulations to our new Parent Representatives for SBDM.  

Shawndre Hamilton

Charlie Pait

Reflections Award

Congratulations to Dolly Harland for creating a wonderful Reflections Art Film Production piece.  It was the only submission from Brown School Students.  She won an Award of Excellence on the District Level.  Congratulations!

Dolly Harland.mp4

Year In Review


Elementary Athletics

Looking for a volunteer! Contact Justin for more info.

Soccer will begin in July and will be for grades, third through fifth.   If you are interested in your student playing soccer, please click here to fill out an interest form.   

Cross Country will begin in July as well and it will be offered to all grades, K-5th.  If you are interested in your student participating in cross country, click here to fill out an interest form.

Kroger- Please help support Brown Athletics with your kroger card.  All you have to do is  visit Once logged into their Kroger account you can search for J Graham Brown School Athletics Department either by name or KI576 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. This would mean a lot to all of our student athletes on all levels.

Middle School Athletics

Matt Davis, MS Athletic Director - Click to EMAIL

Kroger- Please help support Brown Athletics with your kroger card.  All you have to do is  visit Once logged into their Kroger account you can search for J Graham Brown School Athletics Department either by name or KI576 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. This would mean a lot to all of our student athletes on all levels.

Advertising Banners for the gym can now be purchased. The banners are 3X5 and will be displayed in the gym for all of next school year. Please see the attachment for more information and if you know of any businesses that would like to sponsor/advertise with us, please pass it along. We can have designers create the banner for you or we can use your current design. For prices and more information, please email LINK

Brown Bears merchandise is available at BSN

Track and Field had two athletes qualify for the Kentucky Middle School Track and Field Championships on May 27 at Eastern High School. Lola F will be throwing shot put and discus and Lucy O will be running the 100 meter hurdles. 

Cross-Country: We will have our first Cross-Country practice of the year at 6pm at George Rogers Clark Park on Monday July 17th. This will be for middle and high school. Email for more information.  

Tennis is in need of a coach for middle school next fall. If you know anyone interested, please email

Tennis is entering players in the USTA Junior Team Tennis. If you are interested please check this link for information and email matthew.davis@jefferson.kyschools to register. This is a laid back, low stakes league and you are not expected to attend all matches. 

Paperwork: Please have you physicals and paperwork ready at the first practice you attend this year. There are new forms and requirements the state just sent out and we will email out copies in the next couple of weeks if you need a new physical. If you have questions about when your current physical expires, please email or  

High School Athletics

Justin Leonard, HS Athletic Director - Click to EMAIL

Kroger- Please help support Brown Athletics with your kroger card.  All you have to do is  visit Once logged into their Kroger account you can search for J Graham Brown School Athletics Department either by name or KI576 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. This would mean a lot to all of our student athletes on all levels.

Advertising Banners for the gym can now be purchased. The banners are 3X5 and will be displayed in the gym for all of next school year. Please see the attachment for more information and if you know of any businesses that would like to sponsor/advertise with us, please pass it along. We can have designers create the banner for you or we can use your current design. For prices and more information, please email LINK

Brown Bears merchandise is available at BSN

Track and Field- Good luck to Peyton Goodman, Peyton Jones, Chabely Perez-Talon, Taylor Morris and Trista Morris in the State track meet tomorrow!

Anyone interested in playing boys soccer next year, email

Anyone interested in playing girls soccer, email

Anyone interested in girls volleyball, email

Anyone interested in cross country, email

Anyone in grades 7th-12th interested in golf, email

Fall sports officially start on July 15th.  All students must have all eligibility paperwork in before participation.  All forms can be found at: 

Student Support Team

Elementary Counselor

Christy Teague - Click to EMAIL

Type Here

Middle School Counselor

Cordia Pickerill - Click to EMAIL

Type Here

High School Counselor

Robin Cash - Click to EMAIL

We are so excited to launch the 2023 Graduates and look forward to celebrating all our students that are promoted to the next grade level.

Transcripts for Graduates can be ordered for FREE in Parchment, students were directed to do this in the Google Classroom Class of 2023. They will not be sent until after JCPS posts the official graduation date usually mid-June. We encourage students to send a transcript to any college they might attend and to also send a digital copy to an email address they will have access to after they graduate. After July 1, students will need to request via JCPS Records and there is a fee for that request.

Those that will be in high school for the 2023-24 school year will be able to view your schedules in Infinite Campus in early August. If a change is necessary, a schedule change request form will be posted to Google Classroom Class of 20##. Students have 10 school days to request a change. Please attend the scheduled classes as assigned first for attendance purposes, then complete the form and Robin will be available in study halls the first two weeks to conference with students.

Mental Health Practitioner

David Rutledge - Click to EMAIL

Type Here

Family Resource/Youth Services Center

Tara Davis - Click to EMAIL

Tarc is offering a $30 summer youth pass for children, ages 6-1, from June 1 - August 3.  For more information, click here.

OneSight Vision in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Louisville and National Safe Place are providing FREE eye exams and prescription glasses (if needed) to children and adults, ages 6-24.  The free clinic will be June 26-28, from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.  To schedule your appointment, call 635-3660.

We have a food pantry at Brown and it will be available to families throughout the summer.  If you are in need of food, call the Brown school office or contact me at


Click HERE to watch the Star Students' Slideshow! We have so many amazing achievements of our Brown Bears from this past week!


SBDM Update

Congratulations to Charile Pait and Shawndre Hamilton who were elected to serve as parent reps on the SBDM Council for the 2023-25 term.