Trips and Residentials

For all field study trips and residentials, a risk assessment is undertaken by the trip leader prior to departure; this risk assessment is then submitted to the Leadership Team for consideration, modification and final sanctioning. An informative letter together with a permission form will be sent home to parents before a trip, and no student will be allowed on the trip unless a signed permission form has been returned to school. Any student opting to join a school trip must remain with the group throughout the entire trip. For example, it is not acceptable for parents to make separate travel or accommodation arrangements for their child. Trips within ParkCity Hanoi are deemed to be within school grounds, therefore, parental permission will not be required for any such trips.

The safety of the students in our care is our paramount concern, and we always endeavour to ensure that all reasonable measures necessary to protect the children are anticipated, acted upon, observed and reviewed. However, accidents and injuries do occur from time to time, often without anyone being at fault. We are unable to offer compensation for any accident or injury which is not attributable to our fault during any school trip. Parents may therefore wish to look into the question of whether their own health, travel or other insurance policies offer adequate cover for accidents to their children which occur outside of the home.

The school operates school trips as cost effectively as possible without compromising on student safety and wellbeing. The school does not provide a breakdown of costs for each trip and it is an expectation that there is a minimum of an 80% student uptake for any trip to take place. Any deposits paid are non-refundable unless a trip is cancelled due to less than an 80% uptake.

Parents should not send their child on any trip if they are unwell and the school reserves the right to make a decision as to whether a child is well enough to join any trip through consultation with our school nurse. If medicines are to be administered during the trip, parents are requested to provide written instructions to the accompanying nurse or designated teacher. All medicines should also be clearly labelled with a student’s name. 

For residential trips, parents will be updated on the progress of the trip with a daily message on the ISPH SchoolsBuddy app.

Arrival Time Back @ ISPH: The estimated arrival time back at ISPH will be updated regularly using the SchoolsBuddy app and parents are requested to check those updates regularly.