Sports @ ISPH

Sport is an integral part of life at ISPH. Every student takes part in Physical Education and Swimming as part of their curriculum. In addition to this is the extensive CCA programme which has many inclusive sporting CCAs and plethora of school representative teams.


The school presents sport to students in a way which maximises participation to ensure their fun and enjoyment, safety and personal development in line with the Core Values of the school. We want students to be involved in team sports and being physically active in sporting CCAs for the lifelong physical, psychological, social and personal benefits that such participation can bring.

Sport the ISPH Way

This is the code of conduct and philosophy that underpins all of the sporting experiences @ ISPH. There are three versions for students, coaches and parents (see below). These documents were derived from the school’s Core Values with a sporting twist added, thus ensuring everyone adheres to the highest respective sporting standards when they are playing, coaching or watching sport.

Sporting Affiliations

ISPH sporting teams will take part in a range of local, national and international competitions. More information about these affiliations will be shared with parents during the school year.

Sporting Seasons

Sporting teams follow a set season, apart from swimming which trains and competes in every term. This provides a framework to produce a number of fixtures covering a wide range of sports. If possible extra sports or activities may be catered for in the CCA programme outside of the allotted season e.g. open clubs, skills-based clubs, pre-season training and development squads.

Team Ages

Primary sports are played in year groups, generally combined Year 3/4 (Under 9), Year 5/6 (U11) for all team sports with swimming & athletic having competitions for year 6, year 5 and year 3/4.

Secondary sports are played in specific age categories - U13 & U15 and over 15s. To be eligible for the age group you must be under that age at 1st August.

Team Trials

Team selection trials will be held either during lessons, lunch times or designated times after school. The dates for these trials will be posted on SchoolsBuddy. These will all occur prior to that sporting season starting, ideally before CCA sign-up, so students will know of their commitments and training schedules.

Sport Permission

Once a child has gained selection in a sports team, parents need to complete an online permission form. Along with parents and students agreeing to ‘Sport the ISPH Way’, parents must also provide emergency contact numbers for which a coach can make contact if the need arises.

Team Kit

It is recommended that students purchase their own Team Kit if they are selected for a team. This can be purchased from the uniform shop. There is also a limited amount of Team Kit which may be loaned on occasion. Students must take full responsibility for the washing and safe return to the PE office, ensuring this is signed back in.

Fixtures Calendar

A sports calendar will be shared with parents and students via SchoolsBuddy. If there is a clash and a student is unable to attend a fixture or training, they should communicate in advance to their respective team coach. Permissions for sporting events will also be arranged via the appropriate section of SchoolsBuddy.

Late Return from Fixtures

The approximate return times are shared via SchoolsBuddy for each fixture. Parents need to promptly collect their child from the posted pick-up times. If a tournament runs over schedule or traffic causes delays, the revised return time will be posted via SchoolsBuddy.

Specific Team Information

Each team will have its own section on SchoolsBuddy. Specific team information about kit, fixture times and team announcements will be placed here. Parents and team players need to keep an eye on their relevant section to stay abreast of important team information.

Team Expectations

Selected players are required to be ambassadors for the school at all times, representing the School Core Values and following ‘Sport the ISPH Way’. Players need to attend training, try their best and support each other in training and matches. Parents are requested to schedule external appointments so their child does not miss any fixtures or team training.

Sporting Tours

ISPH teams will take part in various international sporting events throughout the year. Ample advance notice will be given.


Strive for improvements in your physical performances.

Perform to the best of your abilities at all times.

Operate within the rules and spirit of your sport. Co-operate with coach, teammates, officials and opposition.

Respect all participants - team members, opponents, officials and spectators.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Thank officials and opponents after the competition.

Honour the ‘ISPH way’ when representing your school.

Enjoy physical activities - it is great fun!

If watching a game, or whilst being a reserve, only make positive comments from the sideline.

Shake hands and give three cheers for the other team and officials at the completion of the fixture.

Participate by the competition rules and regulations.

Win with modesty and lose with dignity. Always maintain your integrity.

Applaud positive contributions and good play made by teammates and opposition.

You will achieve your goals. Success takes time, effort and patience.


Support your child and the team he/she is involved in.

Unconditional appreciation should be given for your child’s efforts whether they win or lose.

Participation for young people is often more important than winning. Winning is only part of the fun.

Praise and celebrate a good performance by any athlete or team in an appropriate and encouraging manner.

Only show good behavior. Any inappropriate behavior reflects badly on your child, the team and is likely to tarnish the school’s reputation.

Respect all participants in the sport competition and treat them courteously. This includes fellow spectators, athletes, umpires, coaches, staff, host school.

Talk if you have any issues regarding your child’s team. Please contact the PE department or team coach.

Insight on the rules/laws and regulations of the sport will contribute to a better understanding of what you are watching and commenting on.

Nice behavior is highly appreciated. Do not use inappropriate language or harass, physically or verbally, players, managers, coaches, referees, officials or spectators. Children learn best by following a good example.

Gratitude for your support and we look forward to seeing you on the sidelines.


Try to praise the effort not the outcome – reward hard work, risk taking, effort, courage etc. not necessarily the final product.

Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience. All young people are deserving of equal attention and opportunities.

Avoid overplaying the talented players; the just average need and deserve equal time.

Mistakes = learning → Never ridicule or yell at a student for making a mistake or not coming first.

Coach through questioning, this will encourage independence and inquiring thinkers capable of fixing things themselves.

Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices.

Any physical contact with a young person should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player's skill development.

Celebrate a good performance by any athlete or team.

Honour the ‘ISPH way’. Wear the ISPH polo shirt for fixtures and dress appropriately for training sessions. Show great sportsmanship and encourage players to do the same.

Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of all players.

Safety (weather) – in the event of thunder/lightning, immediately get out of the water and seek shelter, only return to water when the storm has passed (no thunder/lightening for 30mins).