Food service

Good, healthy and nutritious food is prepared in our kitchen each day for break time snack and lunch at a fixed price and available on a termly basis. Our catering is provided by The Caterers and full information regarding this service will be available on our website and in school. 

Parents are not allowed to deliver ‘fast food’ to the school for their child’s snack/lunch (For example, McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Pizza Hut, etc). Children should not bring in sweets or candy unless it is a special occasion and permission is granted by an appropriate member of staff. Students are expected to only consume food in the designated areas around school. For those parents who prefer that their children bring food from home, the school encourages that such packed-lunches are balanced and nutritious. 

Some parents may choose to bring in fresh food from home during the school day for their child to consume at lunch or break. Parents are requested to place the food at the ‘drop table’ in the canteen. Children will collect their lunches from this location.