ISPH offers a range of sporting, musical and recreational activities after school. The programme is administered by the PE Department. Details of each term’s CCA programme are issued at the beginning of each term.

Equipment and appropriate attire

Some CCAs may require students to wear or use specialist equipment. By choosing a CCA that may require specialist equipment, you agree to support your child with this. For any sports activity, students are expected to wear ISPH sports kit and also bring a water bottle and a hat.

Timings and collection of students

The school day ends at 3.00pm. CCAs begin after this and run until 4.15pm. Students will be escorted by their CCA leader to the CCA pick up point at the end of the activity. Out of courtesy to teachers who are volunteering their own time for these activities, parents are requested to be on time to collect their children.

Non-attendance and CCAs

Children who do not attend the normal school day are not allowed to attend a CCA on that day.

CCAs after 4.15pm

These are specialist paid activities run by outside providers which start at 4.15pm. Any student attending a 4.15pm CCA must go directly to the library at 3.00pm to wait for the start of their activity. Students must not loiter around school in any of the common areas.

Waiting for siblings in CCAS

If a student is waiting for their sibling to complete a CCA then they must wait in the library.

Buses after CCAs

The transport provider may be able to provide a bus following CCAs; parents must liaise directly with the bus coordinator to arrange this.