Code of Conduct for Students

This Code of Conduct is one of the means by which The International School @ ParkCity Hanoi will live up to its Mission Statement on behalf of all the people who work and study here. The School, the Parents and the Students have justifiable expectations of each other, including:

The Code of Conduct will be most effective in a caring environment where behaviour that is not in accordance with the Code of Conduct is recognised and dealt with promptly and appropriately. With everyone’s cooperation in striving for high standards, it will become a code that will not need enforcing, but by which the whole community can happily live and work together. 

1. Respect for the rights of others  

Students are expected to respect the rights, needs and feelings of others. In return, they can expect such consideration to be shown to them. Everyone must act in a way that promotes the dignity, health and safety of others.

In particular, no-one should initiate or be expected to tolerate:

2. The School Environment (including the ParkCity Hanoi Club House & Sports Centre)

It is everyone’s right to have a safe, clean and comfortable place in which to work. Looking after the environment is the responsibility of us all. 

3. Courtesy 

Courtesy is an important part of our daily lives. It costs nothing yet shows our respect for each other and makes life more pleasant for everyone. We abide by the Golden Manners @ ISPH which apply to students, staff, parents and visitors.

Courtesy involves, for example: speaking politely, listening carefully, doing as requested, making visitors welcome, not interrupting conversations, not pushing. These are simply positive ways of behaving towards each other.

Examples of courtesy are:

4. Movement

For safety reasons everyone must take care when moving around our school. 

Students should:

5. Personal Property 

Everyone should take responsibility for looking after their own property. Students are provided with a locker or class tray and should use it appropriately. It is recommended that items of significant monetary or personal value are not brought into school.

6. Attendance and Punctuality 

Any absence will cause students to miss out on learning. Students should avoid being absent unless they are unwell or have some other legitimate reason to be absent from school. A student who is absent for any reason should provide a legitimate reason explaining their absence. 

7.  Leaving the site 

The school takes seriously the responsibility it has for students whilst in session. We need to know who is on the site at all times.

If a student needs to leave the school premises during the normal school hours, they will be required to submit a fully authorised Student Exit Form (available from the Academic Office) to the security guard at Gate 1 or Gate 2 before permission to leave the school is granted. This applies even if the student is accompanied by an adult. For Secondary School children, the Student Exit Form must only be signed and validated by a Key Stage Coordinator or the Head of Secondary.

For any parents of children in Year 5 or above who wish for their child to walk or cycle to school alone, then a letter must be submitted to the school for the student to be given an Exit Pass. This must be worn and visible if a student wishes to leave the school site unaccompanied. We strongly recommend that an adult or an older sibling accompanies children in Year 4 and below.

8. Personal appearance

The school recognises the need for tidy, safe and comfortable attire and for a business-like approach to personal appearance. 

9. Out of school, representing the school, and travelling to and from school

Each member of the school represents the whole community and should strive to maintain the high reputation that ISPH enjoys. Such a reputation could quickly be destroyed for everyone by the actions of a few careless individuals. Whenever a student is wearing ISPH school uniform, they are representing the school, regardless of the day or time. Good behaviour and appropriate attire and language are expected at all times when representing the school at events, taking part in field study trips or adventure holidays, and travelling to and from school.