Social media

We encourage parents to follow the ISPH social media accounts. Please like, subscribe, follow and interact with our Facebook and Twitter channels.

Some forms of online communication may not be suitable for younger students. Parents and students are requested to consider the possible consequences. All social sites have age restrictions, for example, an excerpt from the Facebook website is shown below:

“Facebook requires individuals to be at least 13 years old before they can create an account. In some jurisdictions, the age limit may be higher. Providing false information to create an account is always a violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. This includes accounts registered on the behalf of under 13 year old children by older parties”.

It is our school policy that ISPH staff are not allowed to be Facebook or other social media friends with ISPH students or parents.

Several events throughout the school year (such as International Day, Book Week, etc) are video recorded and then shared with staff, students and parents. On occasions parents may inadvertently appear in the background of such videos if they are spectating. Any parent who prefers to not appear in such video recordings is requested to spectate from a position that is not in direct line with the video camera. In addition, it is suggested that the parent speak directly with the videographer to inform them of their wish to not be included in any video footage.

Parents who take photographs and videos during school events are asked to carefully consider which images they share on Social Media. Please see Appendix I for our guidelines.