Golden Manners

For Students, Staff, Parents & Visitors together with The ISPH Core Values

  • We greet everyone we meet in the school with courtesy, eye contact, a smile and a friendly “Hello” or “Good morning”, etc.

  • We show gratitude using “Please” and “Thank you” with sincerity.

  • We part with people by saying “Goodbye” and wish them well on their way.

  • We say “Excuse me” when we need to interrupt or ask a question.

  • We say “Sorry” when we have done something wrong and find ways to make amends for our mistakes.

  • We act when people are hurt or upset and ask “Is everything OK?” and get some help if they need it.

  • We take care when in the vicinity of others, especially smaller children.

  • We speak respectfully to everyone in the school regardless of their position, thinking about the words we choose.

  • We respect and care for the environment around us by leaving all rooms and spaces in a clean and tidy state and by always placing litter in bins.

“Positive thoughts, positive words, positive actions, positive reactions”