Special Educational Needs (SEN)

The school recognises that all children have different needs and often require varying levels of support. To recognise this, and to help support the parents further, we have adopted ‘The Six Stage Support System’ and any student receiving support at ISPH will be positioned on one of these six stages. The ‘stage’ is confidential and is for internal purposes only. Children may move between levels depending on their progress.

STAGE 1: Register a Concern

At Stage 1, teachers register a concern with the Head of School, who will do further investigations and if needed discuss with the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). The teacher is expected to collect data, information and evidence relating to the suspected SEN and record this on the Referral Form. Reasons for concern may include:

  • On-going assessments show that a child is attaining lower than expected levels in some areas

  • Behavioural or social-emotional concerns reported

  • Classroom observations indicate a concern

STAGE 2: In Class Support

At Stage 2, teachers may informally discuss strategies and ideas with the SENCO and Head of School. Parents are invited to discuss the student’s strengths and difficulties, parent concerns, the support being put in place and the desired outcomes. The success of the intervention is monitored and evaluated after an agreed amount of time. Strategies may include:

  • Differentiated class work / group work

  • Behaviour chart

  • Use of classroom assistants to support

  • Additional ‘catch-up or consolidation’ homework

STAGE 3: School Action 

At Stage 3, a formal referral is made to the SENCO. Assessments show that additional support for academic, social-emotional or behavioural concerns is required. Despite the early intervention the child is making less than expected progress, or the intervention has failed to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers. The teacher will fill in the referral form and attach collected data. At this point diagnostic assessments and observations by the SENCO are undertaken to investigate whether the child has a SEN. Specific additional support from a learning support teacher or counselor is put in place and possible. This will be documented by the SEN and class teacher in a School Action Plan. Parents are formally informed of these support structures. 

STAGE 4: School Action Plus

At Stage 4, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written by the SENCO and an external assessment is recommended. Ongoing assessments to measure the success of the Stage 3 interventions show that a student may further benefit from an external assessment. The class teacher and SENCO will formally record the support structures in place in the IEP. Copies of the IEP are shared with parents and placed on the student’s file. Parents are invited in to discuss the need for a referral to an outside agency for further assessment, such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapist, etc. 

STAGE 5: External Assessment

At Stage 5, children will have completed an external assessment, the outcome of which the parents will hopefully concur with. An IEP is written to reflect the recommendations of the external assessment. Students are supported in school and parents agree to comply with any additional recommended support referred to in the recommendations. IEPs are reviewed regularly and progress carefully monitored.

STAGE 6: Review of student’s placement in school

At Stage 6, a review of the child’s suitability to remain at ISPH is necessary. This is a last resort, yet evidence may show that more specialist support is required as the school may have explored all possible internal options of supporting the student. In such cases, the school would collaborate with the family in helping to identify a more appropriate school for their child to be supported.