Guidelines for taking, uploading and sharing images

While safeguarding students is our priority we recognise the desire to celebrate success, and to support families/schools/participants who wish to share images with their community, family and/or friends. Parents and participants wishing to take photographs and video footage of their children should be mindful of the images they take and how these images are stored and distributed. The following guidelines aim to keep our children safe by providing boundaries to support sharing images safely with our Communities.


  • Where possible, limit the photos you take of your own children with other children (this includes when your child is part of a group)

  • Do not share photos of other students with anyone outside the ISPH Community unless permission is given by the family of the student(s)

  • If taking photos on behalf of the school please upload to your school Drive as soon as possible and delete from your personal device

  • Only images of children suitably dressed should be taken, in order to reduce the risk of images being used inappropriately. Those staff, parents or carers who are helping to assist children dress or change are not permitted to take photos or videos during this time

  • As you review/share photos please delete any photographs that you believe could be potentially used inappropriately either lawfully or unlawfully, note that swimwear and or gymnastics wear are potential areas that can cause concern. Images of this type should be limited to shots from waist up only

  • You may be informed by ISPH Staff when it is not appropriate to take pictures or recordings at an event

  • Be aware that photographs and recordings published on social media sites could be accessed by any member of the public and therefore you must be mindful of your social media security settings.

NB: It is very important that we recognise and respect the variations of what is, and what is not, acceptable with respect to the nationality, religion and/or cultural heritage of both the children/families and/or countries in which events are being held.

Storage of Images: Once photos/videos have been taken of children other than your own, they should:

  • Be uploaded to the appropriate shared Drive as soon as is conveniently possible

  • Be deleted from your personal device within 7 days of the event unless consent is sought from the parents/school

  • Not be stored on any personal device

  • Not be distributed to anyone other than the group included on the shared Drive without parental consent

  • Not be posted on personal social media sites without parental consent.

Publication of Images: Use of Social Media or other forms of publication:

  • Do not use full names of children and or families e.g. ‘Johnny Rotten is...’ Use first names only if necessary e.g. Johnny is...’

  • Do not share images of other children on ‘Public’ setting in social media. If children in the photos have Facebook accounts, do not “tag” them

  • If off campus, do not state or tag the location of an event in ‘real time’

  • Do not “Check-In” on Facebook if including photos of students during the event.


  • Parents/staff/participant should expect that general photography and recordings will take place at events

  • ISPH cannot assume responsibility for photographs or other recordings published by families or members of the public at these events

  • ISPH reserves the right to ask a parent, member of staff or other person to remove any publication that could harm the reputation of ISP, a family or a child and/or is illegal, or could place a student at risk

  • ISPH reserves the right to check the identity of any person using a camera or recording device. Please do not take offence from this, remember that it is for the safety of the students.

ISPH agrees to:

  • Ensure all staff accompanying students are reminded to read these guidelines prior to events

  • Share this document with all ISPH families.