Student Support

ISPH provides a limited Student Support programme encompassing Counselling, Learning Support, English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Special Educational Needs (SEN).

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

For many of our students English is not their first language. Some students require additional EAL support to help them access the curriculum.

Parents will always be consulted before their child is placed on the EAL programme, yet this is not an optional recommendation - parents are expected to fully support the decision of the school. ISPH does not agree to the enrollment of students in external EAL programmes instead of in-school EAL support.

This support is regularly reviewed and there is a clear progression through the EAL programme. The school will make the decision as to when a child no longer requires additional EAL support, parents are not able to choose when their child graduates from the EAL programme.

Learning Support

Sometimes students require additional help to make progress or develop understanding of specific concepts. The school has Learning Support Teachers, Assistant Teachers and Classroom Assistants to help deliver this support. Programmes are typically short term and there are no additional fees involved.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

ISPH provides a limited Student Support programme for those children who would benefit from this service. It is crucial that parents declare full details of any known learning difficulty that their child has when submitting their initial application to ISPH. As stated in the Admissions Application Form, there could be grounds for dismissal if it is later found that information has been deliberately withheld from the School with respect to the child's development or learning needs.

There may be occasions when the School insists that a student undergoes an assessment from a suitably qualified professional of the School’s choice to help with the diagnosis of any suspected learning difficulty, for which the parents will meet the costs. It is an expectation that parents fully support the school in such circumstances and share the outcome of any such report with the relevant people in the school. If parents do not agree with the outcome of the assessment report, then they have the prerogative to seek a second opinion from an equally qualified professional. Similarly, if parents submit a report to the school that is felt not to be a true reflection of a child, then the school also reserves its right to seek a second opinion from an equally qualified professional, at the parents’ expense. There may be exceptional occasions when the school is unable to meet the needs of a particular child, in which case it may be suggested that parents consider an alternative school that is more suitably resourced to meet the needs of their child.

The school recognises that all children have different needs and often require varying levels of support. To recognise this, and to help support the parents further, the school has adopted a ‘Six Level Support System’ and any student receiving support at ISPH will be positioned on one of these six levels. The level is confidential and is for internal purposes only. Children may move between levels depending on their progress. Further details of the ‘Six Level Support System’ is shown in APPENDIX D.