
A consistent and supportive approach to homework is essential. Homework should be a useful and positive experience to enhance learning. It must be planned as an integral part of the total curriculum and therefore complement learning in class. Homework will not be set merely to keep children busy or to keep parents happy. It should provide a structured opportunity for students to become more independent and disciplined in their study habits, and create a vital link between home and school by keeping parents informed of the learning being undertaken at school, which they can then reinforce at home.

Secondary students will be provided with a Homework Diary in which to record their homework and organise themselves appropriately. Learning resources are often posted via Google Classroom, our learning management system, to support independent study. Students will receive instructions about how they can access this. In the Primary School, information regarding homework will be posted on the SchoolsBuddy app so parents are also aware of any homework set.


If the internet is to be used for homework research, teachers may advise on the web sites that students should visit, for example by posting them on Google Classroom.

The Role of Parents

Parents are asked to support the school by:

• Providing a reasonably quiet, suitable place in which students can do their homework.

• Making it clear to students that they value homework, and supporting the school in explaining how homework can help them to make progress in school.

• Encouraging students and praising them when they have completed homework assignments.

• Expecting deadlines to be met, and checking that they are.

• Keeping in touch with homework activities.

Homework and School Holidays

Academic work will not normally be given to a student during school holidays or to cover any period of leave from school, unless the absence is prolonged and unavoidable. Exceptions may apply for students studying IGCSE or A-Level courses.