Emergency evacuation procedures for students, staff and visitors

When an evacuation alarm is sounded, Students, Staff and Visitors of ISPH should immediately proceed to the Sports Field. All staff and students should make themselves familiar with the Emergency Evacuation Procedures for the School.

  • Be aware of the fastest and safest route to your assigned assembly point.

  • Walk quickly and quietly.

  • Do not push or overtake other people.

  • Leave your belongings in your classroom.

  • Use the stairs and do not use the lifts.

  • Line-up in silence and await further instructions from staff.

The Principal will be advised if it is necessary to evacuate from the School premises. If this is necessary then everyone should proceed to leave the school premises in an orderly manner. Staff are aware of the appropriate procedures for an off-site evacuation as per the school’s emergency procedures policy and regular practices are held so students are also familiar with the procedure.