26th April 2024

Happy Friday everyone.

We are glad to have had some dry weather this week and are looking forward to some warmer days as the term progresses.


Termly overviews

The team will post their termly overviews on google classroom shortly.  The overview gives an outline of learning planned for the term.

If you have any questions about learning for the teem then please speak to your child’s teacher.



On Monday we all enjoyed the P1 assembly about World Health Day with a theme of My Health, My Right.  The children sang us song about keeping healthy. 



Miss MacDonald started her maternity leave this week. We wish her all the best as she gets ready for the new arrival.

Miss Trunk will continue to work with P7 until the holidays.

Mrs Guzowski will be with us until the end of May when she will commence her maternity leave.  Mrs Guzowski’s post is currently advertised. 

Mrs Gibb will return from her maternity leave at the beginning of May.



In the summer term when the children are playing outside they will often take off their jackets and sweatshirts.  Can we gently remind you to please ensure that belongings are named?  This helps them get back to the right person.  Thank you


Computing skills

Primary 7 were treated to a computing session using their chrome books on Code.org, Scratch and micro:bit programming this week as part of transition. Primary 6 will enjoy this session next week.


End of year reports

The end of year reports for pupils will be sent home in June.


Google classroom

Please keep checking google classroom for any updates on learning.


Dates to remember

2nd May In-service Day - School is closed to all pupils.

6th May Bank Holiday - School is closed to all pupils.

17th May  School Performance (P1-P7)

23rd May Landmark Trip (P1-P7)

6th June  Farmness Trip (ELC)

14th June Sports Day 

24th June  Whole School Walk, time to be confirmed

26th June Leavers Assembly

27th June Moving On Ceremony (ELC)

Wishing you a lovely, restful weekend.

The Central School Team