
Happy Friday everyone!

It was lovely to see parents and for us to share children's learning and our School Improvement Plan on Thursday evening. We are looking forward to seeing more parents on Tuesday. 

It is feeling chillier this week and much more autumnal since the clocks changed at the weekend. Gentle reminder to ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and footwear. 

Lost Property

We urgently request that all parents check that their childs clothing is named. We no longer have lost property as we encourage children to return any items found on the playground to classes. Thank you to our House and Vice Captains for helping with this.  When clothes are named, it is very easy to return items to their owners. 

P7  Transition to High School

The children took part in the transition event to introduce the pupils to the High School and meet some members of staff.  The pupils had the opportunity to try out some great Science, Maths, Technical, French/Spanish and other activities.

''At the High School, we did lots of activities. I like biology, maths and PE. I also liked doing history.'' Ella, P7


Thanks to Parent Council for donating sweets and to Mr Wozniak for providing the music for the children to enjoy at our seasonal disco. It was fantastic to see all the creativity and dressing up. Well done everyone! 

Home School Partnership Learning 

People across the UK will celebrate Bonfire Night on 5th November with fireworks, bonfires, sparklers and toffee apples. 

Watch some fireworks together and talk about what you like/dislike, what colours and shapes you saw and the sounds you heard. 

Do you have any chalk or a large paintbrush and a pot you can fill with water? Draw large firework shapes on the ground/patio outside. Make tall, long, circular and zigzag shapes. 

Pupil Comments about learning this week 

''I had fun doing the experiments at the UHI. The experiment I loved was the pig lungs and the stool samples.''

''P7 have been learning about our global goals and have also been learning about written methods in subtraction.''

''P1 have been learning how to listen and writing. They are learning to recognise numbers to 20 and o'clock. They have been prastising their cutting skills and Christmas songs.''

''P3 are learning about fact and opinion and Rights of the Child. In numeracy, we are learning to bridge 10.''

Kidical Mass - Saturday November 4th

You are warmly invited to the next Inverness Kidical Mass event – Saturday November 4th. Please come along if you haven’t been before – this is a great chance for kids, of all ages, to meet together in a supervised environment, cycle and have lots of fun, whilst contributing to a very worthy cause. 

We set off from Bellfield Park at 1.30pm on bikes, trikes, wheelchairs, adapted cycles, balance bikes or any other means of active travel. Heading north, we cross the river at Ness Bridge and then continue southwards, on the other side, to finish just outside the Highland Archives Centre. The entire route is secured by marshals and takes about 30mins to complete.

    For more information, see wwwkidicalmassnorth.co.uk, Facebook -  https://fb.me/e/1Ojz7tCam  or Twitter @kidicalmassinv

    Or email kidicalmassnorth@gmail.com with any questions.

Winter Showcase

We are looking forward to having an afternoon and evening performance of our "Winter Showcase" at the end of term.  ELC - P7 will showcase a variety of skills in expressive arts for family members to enjoy.   The date for this will be confirmed in the coming weeks along with a date for our end of term service at the Cathedral.

Dates to remember

14th November - Parent Council

15th November - Flu vaccination clinic at school