Friday update 10th May 2024

Happy Friday everyone.

We are finishing school this week with some lovely sunshine.  The children have particularly enjoyed their play times with the warmer weather.  Please remember as the weather gets warmer to send children to school with sunscreen applied and a water bottle.

Primary Ones 2024/2025

We are looking forward to welcoming all our new P1's into school in August.  Parents of new P1 children are invited to attend an information session in the infant area on 21st May at 3.15 pm.  

P1-7 Performance

 We are excited to hold our performance next Friday (17th May) afternoon in the school hall.  We are restricted to one ticket per family which we will send home on Wednesday 15th May.  The time will be after one o'clock, however this will be confirmed on Monday once we have had our full rehearsal.  

Pizza Express

Primary 6 had a fantastic visit to Pizza Express on Thursday. They loved making their pizzas and of course eating them :)

Primary 7 are visiting Pizza Express on 6th June.


I am delighted to let you know that Mrs Maclennan has been appointed as Acting Depute Head Teacher to cover Mrs Guzowski's maternity leave.  She will start her new role on Monday 27th May.

Bikes and scooters

Can I remind everyone to adhere to the school safety rule of dismounting bikes and scooters 

on entry to the playground?  Thank you.

Dates to remember

17th May  School Performance (P1-P7)  (afternoon, one ticket per family.)

23rd May Landmark Trip (P1-P7)

4th June Baillie Cup (P1-4)

6th June  Farmness Trip (ELC)

14th June Sports Day 

24th June  Whole School Walk, time to be confirmed

26th June Leavers Assembly

27th June Moving On Ceremony (ELC)

Induction leaflet.pdf