
Happy Friday everyone!

We have had a very busy week and are looking forward to the weekend. 

P7 presented a very informative assembly about AntiBullying. The pupils learnt about different forms of bullying and ways to stop it.

Parent Council 

It was good to have our Parent Council meeting on Tuesday and to be able to share our School Improvement Plan and Standards and Qualities Report. We discussed the recruitment process, road safety and fundraising events. 

We agreed following events in Term 2 to help raise funds for whole school summer trip:

Please ask Mr Wozniak (Parent Council Chair) and Mr MacDonald (Parent Council Vice Chair) for details of how you can help. 

Children in Need

It was lovely to see lots of spots and yellow across the school to mark Children in Need. Thank you for the donations sent in, we will forward these onto the charity. 

Bookbug Bags

The children in P1-P3 have been given Bookbug Bags to inspire a love of stories, songs and rhymes. The Bookbug Bags support families to participate in activities, which help build bonds and develop relationships whilst having fun.

Pupils Voice

''We have been learning to count from one to twenty.''

'' We are learning a split strategy and how to write paragraphs.''

'' We have been learning about similies and metaphors. We are practicing 6x and 7x tables. We made anti-bullying posters.''

Dates to remember

24th November - Stay Play and Learn at nursery

20th December at 17:30 - Winter Showcase

Wishing you a lovely, restful weekend.

Kind regards

Central Team