
Happy Friday everyone!

Community Singing 

All the children  enjoyed being out spreading some festive cheer as they sang at different venues in the community. Thank you to those parents who were able to make it along to see the children. 

Christmas Lunch

 Thanks to our catering team for providing a lovely Christmas lunch on Thursday. The children enjoyed having a special meal together.

Winter Showcase

We are excited for our showcase next Wednesday.  The children have been busy rehearsing in preparation for the big day.  We have now reached full capacity for both performances. Doors will open at 12.45pm for the afternoon performance and 5.15pm for the evening performance.  Parent Council are selling hot chocolate from 5pm in the canteen. 

Last week of term

We invite you to join us at St Andrew's Cathedral, Inverness on Friday 22nd December for the end of term get together.  Doors open at 1.30pm.

A note will be posted on google classroom regarding home arrangements that day. 

Class parties are next week. Details will be on Google Classroom. Children can wear their own clothes for their Christmas Parties. We would ask that your child’s comfort is considered when dressing for their parties, as they will be in the playground as normal and taking part in activities through the day. 

Wishing you a lovely, restful weekend.

Kind regards

Central Team