
Happy Friday!

We have enjoyed warm weather again this week. It’s getting to that time of year when the weeks fly by.  

A huge thank you to Mr Soutar for cutting the grass and tidying up our garden. 

Performance ''Stories from different cultures''

Thank you to all families who were able to join us for our performance. We had a lovely afternoon and enjoyed sharing our learning through storytelling.  We are very proud of the progression in drama and musical skills that all our children are making this year through our weekly partnership with Eden Court.

Landmark Arrangements 


We will be leaving school at 9am and returning for 3pm.


All pupils require a packed lunch and a water bottle for the trip. If you would like to order a packed lunch from the canteen please let class teachers know as soon as possible. Choices of sandwich are cheese or chicken. 


All pupils should wear school uniform and wear suitable footwear. With the weather being warmer please apply suncream to pupils before school.


Thank you to everyone who has paid the trip so far. The trip costs £15. We ask that payments are made as soon as possible if you have yet to pay. 

Season Passes

If your child has a season pass they will need to bring it to school for the trip. It would be helpful to have this before we go. Could passes be brought in and given to the class teacher before Tuesday 21st May. This is to ensure we are not charged for this place and we are not chasing this on the morning for going.  


Pupils will not get the opportunity to go into the Landmark shops, therefore they do not need money.

School Uniform 

We actively promote the sense of belonging to our school by asking that all children wear uniform.  If you need any specific items, please be aware that we have some good quality, recycled stock that has been kindly donated. 

Bikes and scooters 

For safety reasons we expect all children and parents to dismount from bikes and scooters on entry to the school. 


This week pupils received fluoride varnish application.   Research shows that fluoride varnish is highly effective at reducing tooth decay if it is applied twice a year.  Fluoride is a mineral that helps to prevent tooth decay.  

School Meals

All  primary 1 to 5 children are provided with a school lunch during term-time at no cost to parents.  

Free School Meals P1-7

If you meet the income criteria and have a child in P1-P7 you should still apply for free school meals. The Scottish Government provide additional funding to schools based on pupils who are entitled to free school meals. 

Your child can get free meals from P1-7 in school if you get:

Your child is also entitled to free school meals if you get:

Clothing Grants and Free School meals applications for the school term starting in August 2024, open on 1 July 2024. CLICK TO APPLY

Sun safety

With hot weather, we advise parents to send children in with a hat or cap and apply suncream before coming to school.

Please ensure your child has a water bottle. 

Breakfast Club and Out of School Club  

If you intend to continue using our childcare services please DO NOT CANCEL DIRECT DEBITS already in place.  If you would like to adjust the amount coming off your account please send an email to our central.primary@highland.gov.uk and this will be facilitated accordingly.  


We have booked a trip to Farmness for ELC pupils on 6th June. The cost of the trip is £9 per child.  We ask that payments are made as soon as possible if you have yet to pay. 

Dates to remember

23rd May Landmark Trip (P1-P7)

4th June Baillie Cup (P1-4)

6th June  Farmness Trip (ELC)

14th June Sports Day pm

24th June  Whole School Walk, time to be confirmed

26th June Leavers Assembly

27th June Moving On Ceremony (ELC)

Wishing you a lovely, restful weekend.

Kind regards

Central Team