
Happy Friday everyone


I have had a couple of queries regarding staffing recently. Please be aware most schools have staff changes from year to year.  This can depend on whether a member of staff has a permanent or fixed term contract.   I will confirm our staffing arrangements for next year when I have the information from the Workforce Planning team. This is likely to be at the end of June

We are looking forward to Mrs Gibb returning from her maternity leave next week. Miss MacDonald started her maternity leave. We wish her all the best as she gets ready for the new arrival. Mrs Guzowski will be with us until the end of May when she will commence her maternity leave. Both Miss MacDonald and Mrs Guzowski intend to return next year.


P6 had a great visit to Sushi in the Victorian Market.

''Sushi Inverness was amazing. I love sushi so much.''

''The food was amazing.''

''I did not like the sushi but it was an interesting experience.''

''It was fun and tasty.''

Computing skills

Primary 6 also enjoyed a computing session with Mr Douglas who taught them about programming micro:bits. The children are looking forward to using these more.  

Dino City

As part of the Northern Meeting Park levelling up project, Primary One and nursery had a visit from the  Morrison Construction team about health and safety on construction sites.  They learned about different jobs and how construction workers keep safe. 

I really enjoyed the bit when we got the wear stuff.”  

“I really liked it when we got to dress up.”  

I liked learning about the different types of builders.” 

Eden Court

The children are working hard to prepare for our performance on May 17th.  We only have capacity for one ticket per family which we will send home on Thursday 16th May.

In- service

Our team had a positive in-service day yesterday with a focus on self-evaluation for improvement.  We have started to identify key areas for improvement next year. We will send a link on google classroom for you to complete a questionnaire in the next couple of weeks.  Thank you in advance for your feedback which  is really important to us. 


Please find attached a letter for parents from the Safeguarding and Child Protection Team.

Dates to remember

6th May Bank Holiday - School is closed to all pupils.

17th May  School Performance (P1-P7)  (afternoon, one ticket per family.)

23rd May Landmark Trip (P1-P7)

4th June Baillie Cup (P1-4)

6th June  Farmness Trip (ELC)

14th June Sports Day 

24th June  Whole School Walk, time to be confirmed

26th June Leavers Assembly

27th June Moving On Ceremony (ELC)

Wishing you a lovely, restful long weekend.

The Central School Team

Sextortion Letter to parents .pdf