
Happy Friday everyone!

We have had another busy week at Central.  It was good to share children's learning  on Tuesday and Thursday at Parent's evenings.

Bake Sale

Thanks to Primary 7 for a fantastic bake sale on Valentine's Day.  They have raised  just over £100 for our whole school trip to Landmark in May.  We look forward to some more fund-raising over the next few months.

Quiz Night

Primary 7 took the decision to postpone the planned Quiz Night for 22nd February. We will let you know the new date as soon as it has been agreed.

Chicken Pox

We are glad the children that have been affected by Chicken Pox are getting better.  If there are any outbreaks of any infectious illnesses, please be aware that our team contact Health Protection for advice in management. This would include advising parents if children should remain at home for a period of time.  If you have any queries or concerns please contact us.

Eden Court Engagement Team

Our weekly drama/music sessions with Mr Simpkins and Mr Ross are going really well.  All classes have started to work towards a performance in May.  We will post the performance arrangements once finalised :)

Musician in Residence

Primary 4 - 7 are enjoying their weekly sessions with our musician in residence, Ms Sutton.  The children are working on body percussion and singing.  

Active Play

The CALA team continue their active play sessions on Thursdays.  P1,2 and 3 are loving exploring play outdoors and learning new games.  The CALA team are supporting play across P4-7 at break and lunchtimes on Thursdays. 


As a school we promote positive and respectful relationships throughout our community.  Can we ask parents and carers to chat to children about using good words when speaking to one another.  Our team is committed to dealing with incidents as they arise.  We use restorative practices to help children understand what went wrong and how individual behaviours can affect others.  There may be times when children are unaware of consequences that other children have had.  This respects confidentiality.  

Attendance and lateness

We appreciate that sometimes it is tricky to get to school on time.  As a school we continue to monitor attendance and lateness as we know this has an impact on achievement.  


All Highland schools are smoke free zones.  Parents and carers are not permitted to smoke anywhere on our premises. Thank you for respecting this policy.


Our team have in-service training on Wednesday 21st February where we will continue to focus on our key priority of learning, teaching and assessment.

We hope you have a lovely, restful weekend and enjoy some family time.

We look forward to seeing everyone back on Thursday 22nd February.

Kind regards

Mrs Fraser