Assigning Door Access Permissions

Assigning access to specific doors to specific departments or specific people.

Assigning Access Level

Searching for a Person

First you will need to access the Web Client for the HikCentral Server. 

 (HikCentral is best configured on Windows, on macOS you will be told if something is not supported on MAC in the browser. If you encounter this you will need to use a Windows machine.)

Sign in with your credentials. If you do not have credentials create a AB46 IT support request and we will grant you access and provide you with credentials. Please allow for a 24 hours turnaround unless it is an emergency then contact us directly on the Help Desk hotline. 


Once you log in you will see a page that looks similar to this. For this account the view has been customized for Access Control.

In the top left corner click on the menu icon and select Access Level.

In the left hand side we have departments and the menu. The search for this field ONLY for specific departments. 

1. Click on All Persons under departments on the left.
2. Click on "Include Sub-Group" check box on the right hand side. (This pulls all groups into the search function. 

3. Click on the Funnel

Once you click on the funnel you will see the above options. To search for someone. 

1.Type the name of the person you want to find under Name. 

2. Then click Filter 

3. This will show the name of the person under the search box. If you are not seeing them ensure you are searching from the right department and have the "Include Sub-Group" box checked.