
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 25.6.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema/ Topic:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wrando ar, a dysgu'r gân am drychfilod yr ardd.

Click on the link to listen to, and learn the song about garden mini-beasts.

Beth am greu cartref i drychfilod? How about making a bug hotel?

Mae trychfilod yn cael amser caled. Gyda hen waliau'n cael eu dymchwel fwyfwy, mae'r craciau a'r agennau y mae chwilod yn eu defnyddio i gysgodi, byw a bridio yn cael eu dinistrio. Mae gwesty trychfilod yn syml, yn ffordd wych o ailgylchu, ac mae'n darparu rhywle i fyw i bob math o gropian iasol

Bugs are having a tough time. With old walls increasingly knocked down, the cracks and crevices that bugs use to shelter, live and breed are being destroyed. A bug hotel is simple, a great way of recycling, and provides all kinds of creepy crawlies with somewhere to live.

dewch-i-greu-gwesty-trychfilod (1).pdf

Celf / Art
Cymesuredd Trychfilod /
Bug symmetry

Gwaith cartref/Homework:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Edrychwch ar y lluniau isod o Bili Broga a'i ffrindiau. Yn y tabl nodwch ffeithiau am y cymeriadau gwahanol o dan yr enw cywir. Mae esiampl o dan enw Bili Broa- 'Mae Bili Broga'n drist'. Meddyliwch am beth mae'r cymeriadau yn bwyta, ymhle maent yn byw ayb. Os oes angen, cyfeiriwch nol at ddarlleniad y stori wythnos ddiwethaf./ Look at the pictures below of Bili Broga and his friends. In the table make a note of some facts about the different characters under the relevant name. There is an example under Bili Broga's name- 'Bili Broga is sad'. Think about what the characters eat, where they live etc. If necessary, refer back to the reading of the story last week.

Beth yw sain cychwynol yr anifeiliaid ar y dde? Maent i gyd yn cychwyn gyda llythrennau (melyn) Tric a Chlic.

What are the initial letter sounds of the animals on the right? They are all Tric a Chlic (yellow) letters.

cwningen/rabbit, malwen/snail, aderyn/ bird

Gwaith mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

Tasg - Niwmicon / Task - Numicon:

Isod mae llinell rif Niwmicon. Rydyn ni wedi defnyddio Niwmicon ar gyfer llawer o weithgareddau mathemateg yn y dosbarth. Defnyddiwch y llinell rif i'ch helpu gyda'r dasg ganlynol.

Below is a Numicon number line. We have used Numicon for many mathematical activities in the classroom. Use the number line to help you with the following task.

Ydych chi'n adnabod gwerth y darnau Niwmicon yma? Ysgrifennwch y rhif cywir yn y bocs o dan y darnau Niwmicon gwahanol./ Do you recognise the value of these Numicon pieces? Write the correct number in the box under each of the Numicon pieces.

Datblygiad Corfforol / Physical development:

Beth am ymarfer eich sgiliau mudol mȃn / siswrn? Gallwch chi ymarfer torri ar hyd linellau igam ogam, neu dorrwch o gwmpas siapau 2D fel isod.

Why not now practise you fine motor/ scissor skills? You can practise cutting along bendy/wavy lines, or practise cutting around 2D shapes as below.
