
Dydd Llun 11.1.2021 / Monday 11.1.2021.

Gwaith Iaith / Language Work:

Tybed, sut mae'r tywydd heddiw? / I wonder, how is today's weather?

Beth am i ni drafod tywydd heddiw gyda'n gilydd? Tybed os ydych chi'n cofio'r enwau gwahanol./ Why don't we discuss today's weather together? I wonder if you remember the different weather names.

21.01.11 Tywydd

Dewch i wrando ar stori 'Tedi Twt a'r Tywydd'. gwrandewch yn astud er mwyn ceisio cofio enwau'r mathau gwahanol o dywydd./ Come and listen to the story about Tedi Twt and the weather. Listen carefully in order to try and remember the names of the different types of weather.

Dyma fideo i'ch helpu gyda'r eirfa. / Here is a video to help you with the vocabulary.

Ewch ati nawr i nodi'r tywydd yn ddyddiol am yr wythnos. Gallwch chi greu siart yn debyg i'r un yma, neu cofnodwch yn ddyddiol yn eich llyfr gwaith./ For this week keep a daily record of the weather. You can create a table similar to this one or you can simply make a note daily in your work book.

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work.

21.01.11 Cyfri yn y jwngl

Dewch i wrando ar y stori 'Yn y jyngl', a chyfri'r anifeiliaid gwahanol./ Come and listen to the story 'Yn y jyngl' and count the different animals.

  • Sawl sebra sydd yna?/ How many zebras are there?

  • Sawl jiraff sydd yna?/ How many giraffes are there?

  • Sawl mwnci sydd yna?/ How many monkeys are there?

  • Sawl hipo sydd yna?/ How many hipos are there?

  • Sawl eliffant sydd yna?/ How many elephants are there?

Rhifau trefnol/ Ordinal numbers

Mae 5 sebra, 2 jiraff, 4 mwnci, 1 hipo, 3 eliffant./ There are 5 zebras, 2 jiraffes, 4 monkeys, 1 hipo, 3 elephants.

Gododwch y rhifau yn y drefn cywir./ Place the numbers in to the correct order.

5, 2, 4 , 1, 3.

Nawr ewch ati i liwio'r nifer cywir o ddiferion dŵr ar y daflen isod (neu gallwch chi ofy i oedolyn i greu un tebyg gyda niferoedd gwahanol o ddiferion)./ Now colour the correct number of rain drops to correspond with the numbers as on the sheet below (you could ask an adult to create a similar sheet for you but using different numbers).

Gwaith Thema / Topic Work:

Lle diogel - Meithrin

Mae gan bawb ofidiau.

Beth sydd yn eich ofni chi? Beth sydd yn gwneud i chi fod eisiau cuddio?

Gwyliwch y darlleniad o'r llyfr 'Mae gan bawb ofidiau' uwchben. Ar ôl ei wylio, medrwch ysgrifennu beth sydd yn eich poeni chi ac yn eich gwneud chi i guddio.

Everyone has worries.

What is it that scares you? What makes you want to hide?

Watch the reading of the book 'Everyone Worry' above. After watching it, you can write down what worries you and makes you hide.

Dydd Mawrth 12.1.2021 / Tuesday 12.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Language work.

21.01.12 Tywydd canu

Dewch i wrando ar y fideo a helpu Mrs Sennitt i ganu am y tywydd./ Come and listen to the video about the weather and help Mrs Sennitt to sing the weather songs.

18.6.20 Dillad Tedi Twt.mp4

Gwrandewch ar y fideo am ddillad Tedi Twt. Mae angen gwrando'n astud er mwyn cwblhau'r dasg didoli dillad./ Listen to the video about Tedi Twt and his clothes. You will need to listen carefully in order to complete the task.

Dyma dasg didoli dillad yn ôl y math o dywydd. Mae angen penderfynu pa ddillad sydd angen ar gyfer tywydd gwlyb, tywydd cynnes a thywydd oer. Mae lluniau o fathau gwahanol o ddillad er mwyn rhoi syniadau i chi. Does dim rhaid i chi ddefnyddio'r lluniau yma. Gellid dynnu lluniau yn eich llyfrf gwaith. / Here is a task where you will need to decide what clothes are required for the different types of weather; wet weather, warm weather and cold weather. There are pictures of different types of clothing provided to help you decide. You don't have to use the pictures provided. You can draw pictures of the clothes in your work book.

Dyma luniau mathau gwahanol o ddillad ar gyfer didoli yn ôl pa fath o dywydd yw hi./ Here are pictures of various types of clothes which will help you separate them according to the weather.

Gwaith ysgrifennu/ Written work.

Ychwanegwch y sain cychwynol i'r geiriau dillad hyn (mae'r llythrennau i gyd o'r llythrennau melyn Tric a Chlic)./ Add the initial letter sound to these clothing words (the letters are all from the yellow Tric a Chlic letters).

Yr eirfa/ The vocabulary:

cot/ coat; trowsus/ trousers; esgidiau/ shoes; het/ hat; menig/ gloves

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work.

21.01.12 Cyfri golygfeydd gwahanol

Dewch i wrando a chyfri./ Come to listen and count.

Edrychwch ar y llun isod a chyfrwch y mathau gwahanol o dywydd. Cofnodwch ar y daflen y nifer cywir o bob un. Mae llinell rif yma i'ch helpu chi gyda'r ffurfio./ Look at this picture of different weather types. Count the number of each type of weather and note the number on the sheet below, or in your work book. There is a number line to help you.

Gwaith Thema / Topic Work:

Cyfri anifeiliaid / Count the animals

Cyfri anifeiliaid - Count the animals

Gwyliwch rhaglen Y Fferm, y dasg yw i gyfri yr anifeilaid rydych yn ei weld.

Watch the programme "Y Fferm", your task is to count the animals you see.

Dydd Mercher 13.1.2021 / Wednesday 13.1.2021.

Gwaith Iaith / Language work:

Dewch i wrando ar gân 'Y Tywydd' gan Cyw./ Come and listen to Cyw's 'Weather Song'.

21.01.13 Tywydd 2

Ydych chi'n gallu clapio enwau'r mathau gwahanol o dywydd? Sawl curiad ym mhob gair?/ Can you clap the names of the different types of weather? How many beats in each name?

Gwaith Llafar/ Oral work:

Edrychwch yn ofalus ar y llun isod a thrafodwch beth rydych chi'n ei weld gydag oedolyn; pa fath o dywydd a.y.y.b. Wedi gwneud hynny gwrandewch ar y fideo isod ac atebwch y cwestiynau./ Look carefully at the picture below and discuss what you see with an adult; the type of weather etc. Having done this listen carefully to the video below and answer the questions.

Mae Mrs Sennitt yn darllen y cwestiynau a'r atebion yn y Gymraeg. Mae cyfieithiad y cwestiynau a'r atebion i'r Saesneg./ Mrs Sennitt reads the questions and answers in Welsh but there is a translation to English to help you.

Gwaith ysgrifennu/ Writing work.

Dyma rai o'r geiriau o'r pecyn melyn Tric a Chlic rydyn ni eisoes wedi darllen. Edrychwch yn ofalus a chofnodwch yn eich llyfr/ar ddarn o bapur y sain terfynol i bob un. / Here are some of the yellow Tric a Chlic words we have previously read. Look at them carefully and write in the final letter sound for each in your book/ on a piece of paper.

Y geiriau / The words:

tap, cam, het, car.

Nawr dyluniwch het, sgarff a menig lliwgar ar gyfer y tywydd oer./ Now design your own colourful hat, scarf and gloves for the cold weather.

Gwaith Mathemteg/ Mathematics work:

21.01.13 Llyfr Cyfri Gyda Ianto

Dewch i ymarfer cyfri a darllen am Ianto'r Ci a'i ffrindiau./ Let's practise counting and listen to the story about Ianto the dog and his friends.

Edrychwch ar y llun isod a chyfrwch y mathau gwahanol o dywydd. Cofnodwch ar y daflen y nifer cywir o bob un. Cofiwch i ddefnyddio'r llinell rif i'ch helpu chi gyda'r ffurfio./ Look at this picture of different weather types. Count the number of each type of weather and note the number on the sheet below, or in your work book. Don't forget to use the number line to help you.

Gwaith Thema / Topic Work:

Dewch yn fesurydd tywydd dynol!

Yn y gweithgaredd hwn rydym yn gofyn i blant ddisgrifio eu profiad o'r tywydd ac mae'n gyfle gwych i adeiladu geirfa.

Ewch â'ch plant y tu allan i weld a theimlo gwahanol dywydd a'u helpu i drosi hynny i sut mae'n gwneud iddyn nhw deimlo.

Become a human weather gauge!

In this activity we’re asking pupils to describe their experience of the weather and it is a great opportunity to build vocabulary.

Take your children outside to see and feel different weather conditions and help them translate that into how it makes them feel.

Dydd Iau 14.1.2021 / Thursday 14.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith / Language work:

21.01.14 Llyfr Tywydd Elfed.mp4

Gwrandwech ar y cyflwyniad er mwyn adolygu geiriiau Tric a Chlic, melyn a chlwed stori am Elfed yr eliffant a'r tywydd.

Listen to the introduction in order to revise some yellow Tric a Chlic words and to listen to the story about Elfed the elephant and the weather.

Gwaith llafar (Gwrando a deall) / Oral work (Listening and understanding).

Y Tywydd- Dewi Dinosor / (The Weather- Dewi Dinosor).

Gwrandewch ar y stori am Dewi, ei ffrindiau a'r mathau gwahanol o dywydd ac yna atebwch y cwestiynau sydd yn dilyn./ Listen to the questions about Dewi, his friends and the different types of weather and answer the questions which follow.

20.11.05 Dewi_Dinosor.mp4

Geirfa i'ch helpu -mae'r eirfa'n ail-adrodd ar bob dudalen. / Vocabulary to help you-the vocabulary repeats on each page:-

  • Mae hi'n bwrw eira. / It's snowing. (bwrw glaw/raining niwlog/foggy braf/ fine (g)wyntog/windy oer/cold stormus/stormy)

  • Ble mae____________ ?/ Where is _________________?

Dyma fi! / Here I am!

Mae Mrs Sennitt yn darllen y cwestiynau a'r atebion yn y Gymraeg. Mae cyfieithiad y cwestiynau a'r atebion yn Saesneg. / Mrs Sennitt reads the questions and answers in Welsh but there is a translation to English to help you.

Gwaith Ysgrifennu / Written work:

Tasg 1/ Task 1.

Geiriau melyn, Tric a Chlic / Yellow, Tric a Chlic words.

O diar, mae llythrennau'r geiriau yma wedi cymysgu i fyny! Ydych chi'n gallu'u hail-drefnu i sillafu'r geiriau'n gywir? / Oh dear, the letters in these words are all jumbled. Can you re-arrange them in order to spell the words correctly?

Y geiriau / The words:






sannau/ socks; cot/coat; siwmper/jumper; crys-t/ t-shirt.

Tasg 2/ Task 2.

Mae hi'n wyntog heddiw ac mae angen gosod y dillad o'r golch i sychu ar y lein. Ydych chi'n gallu creu lein ddillad fel yr un yma yn eich llyfr gwaith, tynnu llun y dillad yn hongian ar y lein ac yna os hoffech chi i ysgrifennu label i bob un o'r lluniau./ It's windy today and the wet clothes need to be placed on the clothes line to dry. Can you create a clothes line like the one in the picture in your book, draw pictures of the clothes listed on the line and if you wish, label each picture

Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

21.01.14 Llyfr Cyfri gyda Elwyn.mp4

Gwrandewch ar y fideo er mwyn ymarfer cyfri, i wrando ar stori a chael esboniad am sut i gyflawni'r dasg ysgrifenedig./ Listen to the video in order to practise counting, to listen to a story and for an explanation of the written task.

Cyfrwch y mathu gwahanol o dywydd yn y llun isod er mwyn creu graff syml. Dechreuwch gyda'r tywydd cymylog. Wedi cyfri'n ofalus lliwiwch y nifer cywir o focsys uwchben llun y cymylau. Gwnewch hyn i bob symbol tywydd yn y llun. Ar ol gorffen lliwio, cyfrwch y nifer o focsys sydd gan bob symbol tywydd a chofnodwch y rhif ar y daflen cofnodi. Cofiwch does dim angen i chi argraffu'r taflenni. Gellid cofnodi'n syth yn eich llyfr gwaith./ Count the different weather types below in order to create a simple graph. Start by counting the clouds. Having counted carefully , colour the correct number of boxes above the cloud symbol. Having finished colouring the boxes, count the number of boxes for each weather type and write this number on the recording sheet. Remember, you don't need to print the sheets. You can write straight in to your book.

Gwaith Thema / Topic Work:

Sgiliau Mudol Mân/ Fine Motor Skills

Beth am ymarfer eich sgiliau torri mas gyda siswrn. Isod, mae taflenni gwaith gyda dewis o siapiau a lluniau. Beth am i chi geisio defnyddio siswrn a thorri ar hyd y llinell dorri. Cwestiynau i feddwl wrth wneud y gwaith: Sawl ochr sydd i'r siâp?Sawl cornel sydd i'r siâp?

Why not practise your cutting skills with a scissors. Below are worksheets with a choice of shapes and pictures. Let's try using scissors to cut along the cutting line. Questions to think about when doing the job: How many sides are in the shape? How many corners does the shape have?

Symudyn Tywydd / Weather Mobile

Ar ôl gorffen torri mas, beth am ddefnyddio'r siapiau i wneud Symudyn Tywydd. Dyma fideo i'ch helpu.

When you have finished cutting out, why not use the shapes to make a Weather Mobile. Here's a video to help you.

Dydd Gwener 15.1.2021/ Friday 15.1.2021

Gwaith Iaith/ Language work:

Gwaith gwrando a deall/ Listening and understanding work.

21.01.15 Iar Fach Goch

Gwrandewch ar y stori am yr Iâr Fach Goch ar y fideo . Meddyliwch am sut mae'n bosib i fod yn garedig at/ helpu eraill yn wahanol i'r anifeiliaid yn y stori!/ Listen to the story about the Iâr Fach Goch (Little Red Hen) on the video. Think about how you can help/ be kind to others unlike the animals iin the story.

Wedi gwrando ar y stori meddyliwch am ffyrdd y gallwch chi helpu eraill a bod yn garedig iddynt. Gallwch chi greu calon yn eich llyfr gwaith a chofnodi mewn geiriau/ lluniau yn, neu o gwmpas y galon? Meddyliwch am fod yn yr ysgol e.e. helpu tacluso, cysuro ffrind pan yn drist, helpu gosod y bwrdd adref amser bwyd ayb./ Having listened to the story think of ways in which you can help and be kind to others. You can create a heart in your work book and write (you can ask an adult to help you) or draw pictures of your ideas around the heart. Think about being in school e.g. helping to tidy the class, comforting a friend when sad, or at home you may help to lay the table at food time etc!

Gwaith Ysgrifennu / Written work:

Tasg 1/ Task 1.

Geiriau melyn, Tric a Chlic / Yellow, Tric a Chlic words.

O diar, mae llythrennau'r geiriau yma wedi cymysgu i fyny! Ydych chi'n gallu'u hail-drefnu i sillafu'r geiriau'n gywir? / Oh dear, the letters in these words are all jumbled. Can you re-arrange them in order to spell the words correctly?

Y geiriau / The words:






Tasg 2/ task 2.

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw yn gwneud i chi deimlo? Edrychwch ar y lluniau o bedwar math o dywydd gwahanol (bwrw glaw, tywydd oer, tywydd heulog a thywydd gwyntog).. Meddyliwch pa effaith mae pob un o'r rhain yn cael ar sut rydych chi'n teimlo (yn hapus neu'n drist) ac ysgrifennwch trist neu hapus wrth ymyl y mathau gwahanol o dywydd. Trafodwch gyda rhywun yn gyntaf os yn bosib.

How does today's weather make me feel? Look at the four different weather types (raining, cold weather, sunny weather and windy weather). Think what effect each of these weather types has on you (happy or sad) and write the word hapus (happy) or trist (sad) next to each weather type. Discuss your feelings with someone first.



Gwaith Mathemateg/ Mathematics work:

21.01.15 Cyfri a chyfatebu rhifau

Dewch i ganu a chyfri. Mae esboniad hefyd am sut i gyflawni'r dasg.

Come to sing and count. There is also an explanation on how to complete the task.

Edrychwch yn ofalus ar y llinell rif hyd at 20. Ymarferwch adrodd y rhifau hyd at 20! Eich tasg yw i gofnodi ar y daflen y rhifau sydd yn cyfatebu gyda'r lluniau gwahanol. Mae 2 lun ar gyfer pob rhif- un hyd at 10 ac un hyd at 20. Cofnodwch y rhifau cywir wrth ymyl y llun cywir. Pob lwc.

Look carefully at the number line to 20. Practise reciting the numbers to 20 as many times as you can! Your task is to write on the sheet (or in your work book) the numbers which correspond with each picture. There are 2 numbers for each picture- one to 10 and one to 20. Good luck.

Gwaith Patrwm/ Pattern work:

Beth am i wneud ychydig o waith patrwm ymarferol cyn symud ymlaen at y taflenni tywydd isod? Mae'n bosib i ddefnyddio Duplo/Lego, cownteri, adnoddau naturiol, ffyn loli neu hyd yn oed losin lliw megis Smarties neu M&M's!. Dewisiwch chi! Mae'b bosib hefyd i amrywio'r math o batrwm o un syml AB/AB/AB i ABBA/ABBA fel yn yr esiamplau isod.

Why don't we do some practical repeating pattern work before moving on to the weather sheets below? It's possible to use Duplo/Lego, counters, natural resources (such as the leaves/twigs below), lollipop sticks or even coloured sweets such as Smarties or M&M's! You choose! It's possible also to vary the type of pattern from a simple AB/AB/AB pattern to ABBA/ABBA as in the examples below.

Nawr ewch ati i gwblhau'r taflenni patrwn tywydd isod. Gallwch chi gofnodi'n syth yn eich llyfrau gwaith./ Now complete the weather pattern sheets below. You can do the work straight in your work books.

Tasg ychwnaegol/ Additional task:

Rydyn ni wedi gwneud llawer o waith am y tywydd yr wythnos hon. Os hoffech chi wneud rhywbeth ychwanegol, creadigol, hwyl, beth am ddewis un math o dywydd a chreu darn o waith creadigol gan ddefnyddio unrhyw adnoddau sydd gyda chi adref. Mae rhai syniadau isod./ We have done a lot of work on the weather this week. If you would like to do an additional creative, fun activity, why not choose one type of weather and produce a creative piece of work using any resources you may have at home. If you would like to do this, there are some examples below.

Gwaith Thema / Topic Work:


Dot i ddot / Dot to dot

Dyma ein gwaith celf heddiw. Cysylltwch y rhifau i ddatrys y pos er mwyn datgelu'r llun. Yna lliwiwch y llun gan geisio cadw tu fewn y llinellau yn daclus. Pob lwc a chofiwch rannu eich gwaith gyda ni.

This is our artwork today. Connect the numbers to solve the puzzle and reveal the picture. Then colour the picture keeping within the lines. Good luck and please share your work with us.