
Dydd Gwener / Friday - 11.6.2021

Y Siarter Iaith / The Welsh Language Charter:

Cofiwch edrych ar dudalen 'Siarter Iaith' yr wythnos drwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.

Remember to look on the 'Welsh Language charter' page by clicking on the link below.


Thema / Topic:

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando ar a dysgu'r gân.

Click on the link below to listen to and learn the song.

Mae yna lawer o draethau gwahanol o amgylch Cymru. Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio'r fideo sydd yn dangos amrywiaeth o draethau gwahanol yng Nghymru.

There are a lot of beaches in Wales. Click on the link to watch the video that shows a variety of different beaches in Wales.

Tasg -Labelu llun 'Ar lan y môr'

Ydych chi'n adnabod y pethau yn y llun? Defnyddiwch y grid isod i'ch helpu i labelu'r llun.

Task - Labelling a 'By the seaside' picture

Do you recognise the items in the picture? Use the grid below to help you label the picture.

Celf / Art:

Ydych chi’n gallu defnyddio adnoddau sydd gennych o gwmpas y tŷ, sbwriel, adnoddau ail-gylchu i greu cynefin ar lan y môr mewn bocs? Edrychwch ar yr enghreifftiau isod:

Can you use materials you have around the home, junk, recyclable materials to create a seaside habitat in a box? Look at the examples below:

Untitled document (1)

Addysg Gorfforol / Physical Education:

Cliciwch ar y linc i wylio'r fideo a chopiwch y gweithgareddau.

Click on the link to watch the video and copy the activities.

Gwaith cartref/ Homework:

Gwaith Iaith/ Language Work:

Gwaith llafar/ Oracy work:

Edrychwch yn ofalus ar y llun isod o Cyw, a'i ffrindiau o dan y môr. Trafodwch y llun gyda oedolyn ac yna atebwch y cwestiynau sydd yn dilyn./ Look carefully at the picture of Cyw and friends under the sea. Discuss what you see with an adult and answer the questions which follow.

Dewch i wrando ar y fideo er mwyn clywed sut i ynganu enwau'r gwrthrychau gwahanol ac yna atebwch y cwestiynau sydd yn dilyn./ Listen to the video in order to be sure how to pronounce the names of the various objects and then answer the questions which follow.

  1. Wedi edrych yn ofalus ar y llun a chan ddefnyddio'r eirfa ar ben y llun ac yn y fideo, dwedwch beth weli di o dan y môr./ Having looked carefully at the picture and by using the vocabulary at the top of the picture and in the video, say what objects you can see in the picture.

  2. Ym mhle mae Cyw yn cuddio?/ Where is Cyw hiding? ( Tu ôl y seren-fôr./ Behind the starfish).

  3. Pwyntiwch at y sgrin i ddangos y gragen fwyaf yn y llun./ Point at the screen to show the biggest shell in the picture.

  4. Sawl pysgodyn sy'n nofio?/ How many fish are swimming? (pump/ five)

  5. Pwyntiwch at y sgrin i ddangos y gragen lleiaf yn y llun./ Point at the screen to show the smallest shell in the picture.

  6. Sawl morfil sy'n nofio?/ How many whales are swimming? (un/ one).

  7. Sawl cranc sydd yn y llun?/ How many crabs are in the picture? (dau/two).

  8. Sawl coes sydd gan yr octopws? Pwyntiwch at bob un wrth gyfri. /How many legs does the octopus have? Can you point to each one as you count?

  9. Sawl seren-fôr weli di?/ How many starfish can you see? (tair/three).

  10. Sawl cragen weli di?/ How many shells can you see? (pedair/four).

Pacio bag ar gyfer y traeth!/ Packing a bag for the beach!

Meddyliwch yn ofalus am ba bethau sydd angen i chi bacio yn eich bag ar gyfer trip i'r traeth! Ydych'n mynd i nofio? Ydych chi'n mynd i adeiladu cestyll tywod? Cofiwch, dydych chi ddim am losgi yn yr haul! Wedi meddwl am ba bethau sydd angen, tynnwch luniau ohontnyt o gwmpas y bag traeth. Gyda cgymorth, ydych chi'n gallu labelu'r lluniau hefyd?

Think carefully about what things you would need to pack in your beach bag for a trip to the beach! Wil you be swimming? Will you be building a sandcastle? Remember, you don't want to burn in the sun! Having thought about what things you may need draw pictures of them around the beach bag. Are you able to label the pictures with help?
